
He is not? Really? I thought he was, I remember him bashing Obama during an interview not long ago. He does have a Republican vibe going on though.

Yes because comedy masterpieces are abundant right?? The problem is not the choices she makes, the problem is lack of good comedy screenwriters

I sincerely hope this becomes a trend amongst comedians, I'm sick of outrage culture

Great news, Hesitation Marks was one of the best albums of 2013

Matt Damon is boring as hell so I wouldn't be surprised if he's not into the superhero thing. Plus he's a Republican.

I did but I still don't buy it. None of the girls I know play video games

Yes I'm a huge misogynist, whatever. But am I wrong?

Or in the UK

Do you always bond with someone or learn something in every activity you do?

Yes but I always feel that whenever someone complains about men playing video games that someone is a woman

That's true. Also, a lot of people (women) think it's ridiculous for adult men to be playing video games. But why is it not ridiculous for adult men to be watching sports, since it's also something most men start doing as kids and they never stop? Why should men stop playing video games? I think women have this

Well yeah, it's obviously a big waste of time…but, then again, so is watching football. You can argue that any passive form of entertainment is a waste of time.

The musical box bit has been done before, on an episode of Seinfeld and on Cameron Diaz' The Sweetest Thing. Why rehash something that wasn't that funny in the first place? Why this reliance on fart, dick and butt jokes? I wish comedy directors would grow the fuck up.

If it was that easy to "buy off" critics then Adam Sandler wouldn't have bad reviews

The only movies I would have considered watching is the James Franco one and Green Inferno just out of curiosity. So I'm good

You should have directed it then

You guys are overthinking this. If they dared to do something very different than most people would be yelling "Blasphemy". If they kept it old school, as they did, than critics would be saying they are retreading old territory. With the humongous expectations surrounding the movie Abrams would have a hard time

Say what you will about him (especially if you're a cop) but the man never made a bad movie. Just look at the "20 worst films of 2015" and see if any of his films even gets close to those. I didn't really enjoy Jackie Brown but I would never call it a bad film, it just wasn't for me. But I loved Inglorious Basters and

Also: Parks & Rec will rule forever

I agree with the list…maybe I disagree with the order but that's neither here or there. However, as a gay man, I can safely say that Titus from Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt is one of the most annoying gay characters to ever grace a tv series and he's the reason I couldn't stand to watch the entire season. Jack from Will