
I know, go to that corner there and hug yourself

Oy fine, let me rephrase it: you seem to judge fellow flesh-and-blood human beings who dare question Dylan Farrow's story. There, better?

Wow, Duncan Jones is ***going there***. Very very thorny subject, kudos for him.

I honestly think it was a positive thing that he didn't say the words. Being gay doesn't necessarily define everything about someone, it might be just a small part or it might be a big part but not every gay man out there adheres to the stereotypes.

To be honest here in London there are cameras all over the city, and since I'm a law abiding citizen (I think) not only do the cameras not bother me in the slightest but they do help me feeling safe when I'm out.

I would hardly call myself a "staunch Allen supporter" but I'm allowed to have my own opinion, just as you have your own about Sun-Yi from your fancy peanut gallery. I don't judge you from being disgusted by him but you sure waste no time judging anybody who dares question Dylan's story.

You may find it "off" but she's still with him til this day. Could it be that maybe they were indeed meant to be together, no matter what the rest of us think? Unless you think she's being manipulated, which implies that she cannot think for herself. They are consenting adults, a married couple. It's not anyone's

Racism will never be erased, no matter how many awareness campaigns and efforts in schools are made, that's my own belief at least. No one can rely on the remote possibility of a more effective police training when it comes to racism.

It's not a band aid solution if it's done the right way. "Losing footage" could be subjected to penalties or suspensions or something. I see no other way really, the country is too big, it's damn near impossible to guarantee that every single cop out there will be following the correct procedures, especially on

Fuck this shit, all cops should wear cameras. Yeah I think the idea of a "surveillance state" is very disappointing and sad but I don't see any other way to avoid police brutality. I saw what the cop did to that black girl in school and I'm not sure what shocked me the most: the level of aggression towards the girl,

There was absolutely zero need for the Woody Allen thing and I find it in poor taste that he was being compared to Bill Cosby. The accusation by Mia Farrow's daughter never rang completely true to me, and to a lot of people…there was something off about it…while Cosby is being accused by over 30 women and counting.

Trailer editing is actually a very tricky thing…I hate when trailers give away the entire movie. I think they opted to make this trailer cryptic and show very little, relying instead on the amazing puppet technique (it really is amazing) and Charlie Kaufman's prestige.

Every critic out there has been raving about this movie. Unless you're one of those that claims that film critics are nothing more than "failed filmmaker wannabes" and think that every art piece is 100% subjective then yes, there is probably to it than the trailer

I had a really difficult time with Synecdoche, New York…it was incredibly overlong…but Adaption is one of my favourite films and I'm really looking forward to this one. My last puppet film was Team America and as much as I like Wes Anderson "Fantastic Mr. Fox" wasn't for me

Few things are as cool these days as making a living out of selling pot legally. I can't blame Lachey.

I loved Sicko, it was a big eye opener for me, but from what I read about this movie I don't think I'll watch it. His whole "We should learn from other countries" shtick is getting really old and he basically did the same thing on Sicko. There are so many more urgent things to talk about like prison reform, war on

Still her worst single yet

But now that we are in season 2 everybody knows the drill and knows how the show should be so I wouldn't be surprised if they were overplaying the drunkness in order to get laughs

Money? Lots of it?

Drunk History is narrated by actual drunk people the same way that the WWE shows actual fights happening