#24 is the worst. What the fuck is that? It looks like a bunch of raw spaghetti pieces on a pile of dirt.
#24 is the worst. What the fuck is that? It looks like a bunch of raw spaghetti pieces on a pile of dirt.
Jesus Christ, give some other people on Deadspin a chance!
I lol’d hard.
Fuck this guy so much. If there was a player who ever deserved an injury...
Walk it off!
Whoops. Meant to reply to HistoryRhymes1. Oh well.
That’s funny. I went to GW for undergrad, and it is commonly referred to by GU students as “Georgetown’s waitlist”
Oh I missed the state part. I was just ranking overall. Your rankings are probably right though.
Trying to make a list.
I’ll just put it this way: If he was a horse, he’d have been shot by now.
Do you really have to take so much joy in it?
No. I mean, all these guys are fucking losers, but it would’ve been much worse with an automatic weapon there.
If someone had a gun there, there would’ve been multiple fatalities. I doubt anyone died due to this.
Bills Mafia is fucking badass.
I’m pretty sure Cueto and Price are just seeing who can choke harder in the playoffs.
Doesn’t surprise me. It really sucks, but racism is all over this country. My dad is from eastern Oregon, and holy shit is that area fucking racist. It’s awful. People only talk about the south being racist, but the PNW is really bad, especially in more rural areas. Would not want to be seen in parts of Washington,…
New Zealand for me.
Exactly. It’s not that crazy. It was only a bit weird because the ump raised his hands as if to give time. They got it right though.
Heroin is the worst drug out there, I don’t care what anyone says. I will never know what it feels like to be so depressed and so helpless to use that drug. It’s demoralizing and it sucks to see someone go down that road.