I'm Native American as well as Mexican it offends me. Those people are using war bonnets as a template for a stupid design. Joe Medicine Crow was the last Plains Chief to earn the right to wear the war bonnet. These white kids disrespect his memory and achievement by doing this. It's a sport you don't need to shit on…
“yeah, get hooked on prescription meds like the rest of america.” - Signed The DEA
I do not understand U.S. sentencing. A man rapes a woman: 2 years probation! Doesn’t have to register as a sexual offender. A man shares pornography OF BABIES and young girls and judge is iffy on felony or not.
When you use the term “horse sports,” all I can think of is horses competing in human sports. Horse wrestling, horse shotput, horse javelin, horse cycling. What a world that would be!
How is it that you have honey both with and without bananas on the list, but not just bananas? Peanut butter and banana is the best.
You and I come from different schools, sir.
I told my (now) wife something early when we started shacking up: You can tell me what to do, or how to do it. But not both.
Overpriced food item? PISTACHIOS. Why the hell are they so expensive? It’s like ten dollars for a little bag of those (which I can eat in one sitting)
He certainly spent enough time behind the offensive line during that game to qualify as one.
that’s a long non-answer
You are a goddamn monster.
That is a fucking nightmare.