Ophelia's Revenge

It really comes down to the fact that men are both oppressed by and benefactors of patriarchy. It's not a wholesale circumstance; all levels of privilege in society vary by individual. A middle class white man has male privilege over a middle class white woman, a middle class white woman has class and white privilege

I still maintain that Gen Y is a thing, rather than "older Millennials". Younger Millennials are so removed from irony that I think Gen Y's imitation of Gen X irony and angst is a relevant marker.

Billie Holiday - Strange Fruit
David Bowie - Heroes
Brian Eno - Needles in the Camel's Eye
Buck 65 - 50 Gallon Drum
Talking Heads - Once In A Lifetime
The Smiths - Asleep

One of my favorite "full blast, windows down, driving fast" songs.

…Why is everything terrible? Is it postmodernism's fault?

The most obnoxious band name since !!!

All that stupid old shit.

The laugh I am suppressing at work is almost painful.

It was also weird how none of the characters mentioned it again or seemed remotely traumatized by it, either.

Spoilers for The Witch: There's the Thomasyn name overlap, plus Lady Gaga's "Eat… surrender thy soul to me" kind of mirrors Black Phillip and the "Wouldst thou like to live deliciously?"

Horror books are equally guilty of this. If a dog appears, it's going to die.

Damn. Three stars for "I was bored" is pretty mixed feedback, isn't it? I'm assuming they still thought it was well-written, at least.

It's a little bit Hooray, a little bit Fuck This Shit, really! But I'll gladly not come into work, especially since they delayed my new start date and I've been over this job for several months.

Thanks! Also, I love nice rejections. I have one story that's been a "we liked it but it's not for this particular call, submit again tho" from like…five or six different places at this point. I'll find a home for you someday, little wendigo story!

I really wanted this book to be better and spookier than it was, but it seems like Burton would be a good director to put those scant elements to screen.

The existence of this thread just made it apparent to me that I should really make my vague goals ("do more yoga", "write more", "eat healthier") into specific, quantifiable goals. So thank you!

Got a very swift rejection from a market. I'm at the stage in my writing career now where rejections sting a little less and I'm mostly just stoked to hear back from them so quickly. Another recent rejection was 8 months in the waiting!

Additionally horrifying is the fact that they won't allow cross-provincial rescue or adoption, so pit bulls who were available for adoption will be euthanized. Fuck that so much. Poor puppers :(

Happy birthday!

My job wants me to use up my paid time off before I start my new position Monday, but we're short-staffed, so they're calling me every morning this week to tell me if I get to stay home or not.