
I ran out of meds and my doctor moved to a new town and it was a scary time.

They say that because they think it’s a compliment. I’ve had natives at pow wows straight up name my tribe based on what I look like, and I’ve never met a black person who thought I was anything other than mixed with black.

White people think the pale skin = white. I got the recessive skin gene in my family, everyone

Even in a photo he took just a few weeks ago he STILL looks like a baby because ALL 15 year olds have baby faces. They’re CHILDREN.

George Bush deleted 3 million emails on federal servers, so unless ya’ll plan to drag his out and string him up I don’t want to fucking hear it.

The FBI states she did NOT mishandle ANY classified information.

In fact the email leak shows us that the only thing in her emails was some petty trashtalking from the DNC

Are you guys just seeing this game? It’s been out for many months.

Seriously? My family lives in a nice part of town and kids from poorer neighborhoods always came here and we’d make all these little trick or treat bags for them. Sometimes I saw some of the kids that I worked with when I worked at a low income daycare.

Don’t understand how people think giving someone a 25 cent piece

Unfortunately in the animal kingdom, the prettier the snake, the more likely to be venomous. If it’s a green tree python it is NOT venomous, but they are notoriously loners and hang out in tree’s generally hating people. They’ve got a wicked fucking bite. Though I hear people are having luck breeding them in captivity

It’s INCREDIBLY insurmountable for a single parent.
Food Handling License: $15-18 depending where you liv.
Renting a commercial kitchen: $10-$25 an hour.
Business License: $50-$100

Yes, that makes sense to sell .25 cent cupcakes or a $10 casserole. The cost to work in the commercial kitchen is going to be more money

Incorrect. 5% longer ride = more money.
I have reported drivers for going off GPS and costing me more $$ and Uber ALWAYS refunds me the amount the driver fucked up.

I don’t give a fuck if it’s $1. It’s my goddamn dollar and it’s not up to someone else to take it from me because they think they can make a few extra


1) cops in NY cuff EVERYONE until they get the full story.
2) he was “detained” for all of like 30 minutes and then he took a bunch of selfies with the cops.

I want him to stop spinning this like he’s the victim. He’s been EVERYWHERE dropping his album, making youtube videos and shit. He did a good thing. The NYPD

She’s a multi-award winning, multi-talented lady. She’s been a musical icon for 20 years. She’s a st

But you know love how white folks pop in and decide that a black woman’s talent makes her “just some woman”. But ya’ll can talk about Audrey Fucking Hepburn’s ass and Marilyn Monroes addict riddled basic ass for 60

Jennifer Lawrence would not do this. So it’s moot. J.Law does not do parodies, she doesn’t do anything but act in films and enjoy her life.

Amy Schumer thinks she’s “funny”. But those of us who aren’t white and aloof remember how Amy likes to make jokes about brown men raping her and discussing the black male body and

Right but with a BAC that high it’s plausible she could have invited him into the house and been in a black out. I literally signed someone into my dorm room one night in college, I walked past security and cops and I was completely wasted. I had no recollection of how he got in there or why he was asleep on the floor

Well Naomi would have never had the job if she didn’t have flawless skin and bone structure from the gods. So the LOOK is hella important.

However models today are busy doing multiple things. Gigi is a nice model and not a bad actress. Naomi isn’t a bad actress either, I liked her on empire.

It’s her fucking name, show some respect.

The stuff they sold have serial numbers in them... if they try to sell it anywhere legal it’s going to get flagged and grabbed. It’s why so many pawn shops are so thorough about jewelry etc. Cause if someone pawns an item and it’s illegal the police take it and they’re out money.

The most expensive item is the engagement ring that she wears every. single. day.

The jewelry actually have serial numbers inside of the gems which allow you to trace where they came from. This was originally started so people can make sure they weren’t buying blood diamonds but it’s great to catch thieves.


And the biggest fashion event of the year isn’t a grand occasion?

What other measures do you take? You have guards outside? Your bodyguard stepped away from you to help your other family for a short period of time.

People mock her if she has too much security, the mock her if she has a small detail?

PICK A FUCKING SIDE AND STICK WITH IT. Is she a stuck up cunt for having 20 body

Seriously. She wasn’t robbed on the subway.
She wasn’t robbed walking down the street.

This is like you telling me I deserve to be robbed because someone broke into my house and stole my tv, my macbook, my PC and my Xbox. “Ohhh