Rocket Scientist At Work

Tom Waits x100000000000000.

Is that where all of your knowledge & experience comes from?

Absolutely. My post is dripping with sarcasm.

Whole lotta word salad in this jumbled mess. Wonder if he wrote it while he was still mad?

Congratulations, you’re old and so are all of your friends (or lack thereof).

Good to see that he’s doing his part to Make Baseball Fun Again.

There’s nothing worse than an announcement for an announcement.

As mentioned in the article, this isn’t even in the same league as grown adults coloring within the lines. This takes imagination & courage.

I didn’t see anything else in this except for that picture with the giant, centered, & out-of-focus branch. Ouch. My brain hurts.

So, you’re trying to make a Rom Com, then?

This story was the exact opposite of grim.

Did you actually seeya this happen?

DJ Puig on the turntables!

What is up with your insane and unhealthy obsession with Pablo’s belt and wanting to whip people with it? That’s like your 10th reference. Ease up, Crazy Train.

The only argument that you have is that someone, in your genius opinion, looks like a ‘vagina?’ Do I have that right? How many times can you actually call someone a ‘pussy?’ Are you commenting from your middle school?

Off your meds today? You REALLY care about how you “look” that much? If anything is ‘fucking pathetic’ it’s you and your shitty opinions. I know it’s hard to imagine, but some people actually have fun. Must suck living your hate-filled life.

Wife? He’s married? When the fuck did that happen?

This is exactly how I describe my family, too.