
Children of billionaires are such good people.

Fuck you asshole.

Ahhhh yes, more quality art being mass marketed by a middle aged lady fearful of driving a mustang again.

Dear “designers”: You suck. Fuck you with your fake bullshit and just fuck your whole entire existence while you’re at it. Fuck Hollywood, fuck anyone that endangers their health to stay a size 2, fuck em all. Fuck fuck fuck.

I don’t see how anyone is surprised at this - this has been common knowledge for YEARS. Like 20 years. He was a child molester - MANY times over. Fucking many.

So you would be OK with this happening to you or your sister? Or your daughter? I hope he gets leprosy. Starting with his tiny little dick. And you, you ignorant cunt, I hope you can experience half of what a rape victim experiences. Then you may know what it feels like. Until then, shut your mouth bitch.

I think people just don’t want to believe Johnny Depp might be an abuser. Who knows. I think in this case, it is easier to believe Amber is a liar. She isn’t that personable by many accounts, and that doesn’t help. But it doesn’t mean she’s lying. I don’t know what the truth is and I’m not concerned, we have a lot

I’m there with you. There is no recovery from something like this, it is with you every day and alters you forever. I wish you peace and happiness my sister.

My boyfriend died in a horrible accident 6 years ago in October. The holidays were especially difficult, and one night, actually the worst night, while I was planning my suicide because the grief was too much for me to bear, a man I briefly dated in the past looked me up, he had heard the bad news and asked if I

I thought it odd that the angry, small dick crowd would be posting here lol.

Lol. Awww, you sound angry, what’s wrong little man?

And what a sad, disgusting thing that is. Humans have no respect for our planet and the creatures that inhabit it. And so this is the alternative, the solution, because we can’t control our violent, greedy, selfish nature. Yay humans.

Seriously. It’s everyone else’s fault.

Why? So you can angrily type away again, or give me a virtual pat on the back? It doesn’t matter what I, or anyone else thinks, or does. A parent’s negligence caused a 17 year old member of an endangered species to be killed. People have a right to be outraged at this. That is normal human behavior. If you’ve ever

I blame zoos period. There shouldn’t be any zoos. What’s disgusting is that this is considered entertainment. Walking around drinking soda, eating hot dogs and leering at these poor animals that were kidnapped and imprisoned.

Oh yeah, right, kind of like you’re angrily typing away? But it’s ok because you’re angrily typing the “right thing”.

Maybe lay off the caffeine? Or whatever shit you’re on lol.

For sure.

She doesn’t HAVE to do interviews, she’s getting enough media attention without it. Some interesting facts - this debacle coincided with the release of Depp’s latest movie. Hmmm. Her statements, especially the one about his “public and personal long term drug and alcohol abuse”, so everyone knew? Including you? Hmmmm.