Rocket N. Nine

With all due respect, Mr. Hughes, I will end you. Viva No Conoces a Jack!

I will defend Stay Positive's cover, Jesse, if only for the Infinity Plus. I love that damn logo. Although, yeah, Teeth Dreams' cover is ass.

You didn't include Fancy Party. I going to have to burn an effigy of you using isopropyl alcohol.

I thought it was, "It's yours, "Flippy-Dippy" Daryl Yarpu."

Why do they both look like Linkara?

You got it mixed up. Deep Breath is the borderline B, and Into The Dalek is the solid B+.

I am so disappointed by the utter lack of British Knights.

"Hey, Hardwick, I need to look good for this dating show. What salon do you go to?"