
True. For the pilot. And a Klingon on board. But they didn’t build their stories solely on existing stuff. And they tried to keep existing species out of it, for at least a while. They didn’t have Sarek (at least not right away) and Harry Mudd Jr. playing major roles. They didn’t (after Now) reference TOS episodes

I know. I’m agreeing with you, I just didn’t word it very well.

“Bombs don’t kill people, Mr. Chancellor,....”

Yeah, if they give that Enterprise a lady first officer, I’m quitting.

What production hell? Fuller leaving? I didn’t think that had much of an effect on anything after initial delays and the show got rolling.

This is totally whiny, but why are some longtime commenters suddenly getting greyed? It doesn’t make for a particularly fun experience.

Also, if the empire isn’t unified and one faction is in visual range of Earth and ready to raze it — just L’Rell saying “I’m serious you guys, I’ll blow us all up” is enough for everyone to agree to end the war and bring their ships back.

Also, the first few cuts to the others getting the medals in the same room made it seem like she was giving the speech at the exact same time, like some weird Grammys bit.

What frustrates me is the surprisingly large number of folks who seem to *only* want fan service and nothing else/new.

Yeah. Would any of this work of all the Trek references were taken out? Would it work on its own? I don’t think it would.

It’s not even changed. *This* is Star Trek. And she didn’t become a leader (or thought she didn’t deserve to be one) because she was a woman. It’s because she was an idealist.

(It’s a TV show. None of this is real. And maybe the power of the time orb was just mass hallucination).

I’m greyed (in every sense), but come on. Anyone using SJW in a post has already lost the argument.

He didn’t miss it — it’s just a little lame/convenient.

Can he do a British accent?

Her bar convo with Michael was a year after she avoided death.

This is a year after they died, I think.

While watching it and trying to Google, I had to keep stopping it to see what the name was. I should probably write it down.

Yeah, I’m not sure I like it either. I don’t think I do, but I’m also hoping it’ll get better/ there will be some twist that makes all this nonsense have a point. Although, that attitude kept me watching Enterprise (and Voyager and pre-season 3.5 TNG) for way too long.

Yeah, I know. He’ll lie anyway. But he’s still a petty man who gets rattled by things like low ratings. Because popularity is all the guy cares about.