
Yep. Look at the outrage over Slate’s essay from a celibate pedophile — they eventually pulled it.

Not all people who watch child porn are pedophiles. Not all people with attractions to children actually offend. And not all offenders repeat offend.

This needs to get the lowest rating for a SOTU in history.

Even worse, maybe they’ll do just do anything and ally with anyone to destroy the opposition.

It’s slick (it looks better than any Trek I’ve ever seen) and it’s (sort of) fun. If your idea of fun is comic book darkness and constant plot twists. And Jones is great. But any Trekiness it has is mainly from name-dropping and telling vs. showing.

Ice cub?

“had talked openly” — yep, and Kelly showed a clip of Fonda talking about it on Larry King *eight years ago.*

Yeah, I wasn’t in them for a bit. And now I am again. I guess there really is such a thing as too many penis jokes.

You’re absolutely right. It was definitely uncomfortable. And, yeah, she asked it in a dumb, gotcha way. And she later tried to bring up how she was an aerobics instructor for 10 years — to tie into Fonda’s aerobics, I guess? The interview went south. Which is okay if you’re just starting out on the local news — but

Holy shit.

And then in her tweet about it, Kelly mentions that Fonda is still talking about an interview from “*months*” (the asterisks are hers) ago. It was in September — and people keep asking her about it.

But it’s a separate conversation — about how actresses of all ages can’t age naturally and expect to keep a career. To play “gotcha” — if aging is so great, why’d you get a facelift 8 years ago (and again, it wasn’t a secret facelift) — isn’t a great way to keep a live interview flowing.

I’m actually wondering who allowed this to happen. Something like this on a network morning show would have to involve the network, no? Did NBC actually okay this? If so, what the heck? NBC’s news site had a pro-Kelly take on it today.

I agree - but I don’t think Fonda was even embarrassed. It just came out of left field and was clunky. She had a facelift in 2010 and talked about it then. So does every conversation after that, forever, have to include the facelift?

I don’t think anyone’s all that upset. Fonda certainly wasn’t — although she kept being asked about it.

Did she actually say that — and the “should be executed” part?

Er, sorry — my sense of humour was apparently removed by L’Rell’s magic laser gloves. I totally thought the flashlight thing seemed possible — the Mirror episodes and the Ferengi episodes didn’t exactly soar, so I have no idea what a combo (that’s the only one I missed, weirdly) would be like.

For me it feels like all plot, no actual story.

To this untrained eye, it looks more like one of those Dyson hairdryers.

Women in pants? Men in pants?