
You know, I’ve looked and I’ve looked and I just can’t see anywhere in my comment where I said a single fucking thing about Hillary Clinton.

As the residents of Trumpistan are so fond of saying, she lost. Get over it. Focus on the short-fingered piss golem we’ve got to deal with now.

No, but Mariah and Beyoncé had a say in whether or not they did those performances, this decision was made for the rockettes. Further, as another poster pointed out, they wouldn’t exactly not perform just because Trump was in their audience, but that is very different than performing at the man’s inauguration,

Sorry for the copy pasta but:

And the Nazis who gassed Jews during the Holocaust were just doing their job.

I imagine some of them will find other positions.

Wrong. If one of my customers says something racist, sexist, or sexually assaults a person in front of me I can and will refuse them service.

I agree, and it sucks, and I feel bad for them. But I wouldn’t push any of them to object by not attending, either, because I wouldn’t want anyone to lose their job. And you can’t even say hey, get a different job, because theirs is kinda unique.

There’s doing something you’d rather not do as part of your job, and then there’s being forced to perform as a cog in the misogyny/xenophobia/racism normalization machine of Trump. It’s not the same.

Exactly. This isn’t “a job”...this isn’t me dropping off extra white sauce to a table where a dude called me honey and keeps talking about “the illegals”...this is getting publicly involved with the propoganda machine upholding the legitimacy of a demagogue.

Seriously. I grew up Mormon, and even though I’m no longer practicing, I’ve always loved the choir. That they’ve agreed to perform for a man who doesn’t respect their faith out of some ill-considered desire to make evangelicals love them is a fucking disgrace.

What kind of person takes pride in doing their work on behalf of fascism? Like... you get that there’s a difference between working for someone you don’t like and promoting the presidency of a lunatic, right? RIGHT??

In terms of severity, this is a much different matter than simply smiling for a client you don’t like or going on a trip you didn’t want to go on. You’re right, I’ve done all of those things. Most of it while working in retail, a job which will expose you to some truly vile people.

This. They’re not going to stop dancing because Trump is in the audience at Radio City. They’re unhappy to be used as a political prop honoring someone who has sexually assaulted and bragged he “can do whatever he likes” with people like them.

lolwtf, this has everything to do with someone’s political leanings - James Dolan’s.

What I think is funny is how desperate Trump is to find someone, ANYONE to play his gig