
KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) is a wonderful principle in that it minimizes risk and facilitates accomplishing tasks that need to be completed. Engineers like the KISS method simply because most people just need things to work, for as long as possible, and with minimal work needed. Where innovation occurs, you often

This is disturbing on SO many levels.

The real story is always in the comments.

What those people are thinking: “FAQ? My question isn’t one of those. I am very smart, the FAQ is for dumb people who don’t know anything!”

Freshwater can (usually) be fixed. Saltwater on the other hand...

“Somebody complained so we’re just to going to look like we’re talking to you”

Kia Soar-ento!

Is this the “HSF” version of A New Hope or is it the “@#%ERYTJCT!!!!” version?

Is this the “HSF” version of A New Hope or is it the “@#%ERYTJCT!!!!” version?

100k in SF seems like it would be closer to 30k elsewhere just based on housing/local tax costs alone.

Sir, you are doing the internet wrong. You’re supposed to vehemently deny that there is any nuance to an argument/position and double down via ad hominem stacks based on physical attributes and maternal relationships. None of this coherent, multiple paragraph repose fills those checkmarks for a winning argument on the

What’s the deal with the FJ40 Torch?!? You can’t leave us hangin’ like that.

It’s hard to reason someone out of a position they didn’t reason themselves into.

Northeastern transplants pulling out into traffic without enough space

The hell you loadin’ man?!? That’s a potent recipe for anything in the handheld territory.

So the Stig’s German, female cousin?

Completely agree, but those hackneyed morons seem to be growing in number each year.

AH yes. But remember, “empty responses and hollow platitudes” are also shat on with equal dismay. It is known that by being in the pubic eye, anything you say or do is subject to immediate negative scrutiny, for there is always someone able to make a headline from one sentence spoken in a novel.

Adding to panthercougar’s reply: Land is also cheaper/more plentiful. The south is still predominantly rural, while still being close to needed urban resources (unlike the mid-west, which has cheap and, but spread out cities). Add in extensive rail systems, multiple ports, and a more “car dependent” population, you