
Generally CCW classes teach to only shoot if the threat is imminent; this is because a) you’re liable for every shot you fire, b) CCW is not a license to kill, c) you use force only to prevent grievous bodily harm or death. Most CCW persons are more law-abiding than police officers (

4th rule of firearms: Know your target and what lies beyond it.

Look for the one indiscriminately firing at everyone and not the ones running away?

Except most armed people aren’t trying to arrest the criminal. and are simply trying to get away. Most Defensive gun uses happen either at the moment of the crime (i.e criminal pulling the gun out) or once the shooting has started. There was a incident at a Walmart in Colorado where there were multiple armed people

If you put the same $1000 deposit into the stock market for Tesla in Feb 2016 (when the deposit price/deadline were announced) you’d have a little over $2000 today. Feasibly, by late 2018/early 2019, you could have even closer to double that and would be almost 15% into the total price of the car!

I didn’t know I needed a background check to buy one of these...

My coworkers are giving me looks of disdain for the muffled giggles I emulated when looking at this gif. it Miata?

The best managers know that if the job isn’t getting done right/well, it is THEIR job to allocate resources and people to the problem.

Seven Crappy Cruzes,

No no no no. See, that’s where they send the defective Mustangs that haven’t hit anyone/anything. They are re-educated and shown that mustangs are supposed to drive poorly and they are conditioned to join their fellow brethren in eliminating the squishy meat-bags who try to tame them.

Venture Silver Award is equivalent. And the girls can earn it.

Depending on the age group, look into Venture Scouts. It falls under BSA, but is co-ed and is tied more with scouts planing their own activities rather than the parents.

You should also research Venture Scouting with regards to co-ed scouting programs. I’ll be first to admit my bias as an Eagle Scout, and I do understand the changes that scouting has gone through are taking more time than people want. But that is inevitable with national organizations that are largely volunteer-based

X-Wing Darkside Edition.

Have the limited edition HotWheels from the debut at MOSI in Tampa!

Not true. Fundamentally, there are different aspects that provide rifles a MORE strategic and utilitarian standpoint than pistols as a hunting tool or home defense weapon. Rifles are better and more ethical for hunting due to the velocity of the rounds and flatter trajectory, leading to a more accurate and lethal

Damn straight.