
Just the ones with white teeth.

My dad’s ‘82 Toyota FJ40.

Maybe. They offered a TRD supercharger, sway bars, suspension, and aero package for my ‘01 V6 Camry.

Would be very interested in discussing this. The problem I always see is manipulation of statistics to support both positions. Honestly, I think gun violence is part of a larger systemic issue and violence should be studied more on its own, not necessarily the tool. When you eliminate suicides from GV stats (2/3 of

Nerd here, will take a stab.

So like Crocs with less shoutiness and a a fancy name.

Why humans should always be in-the-loop.

Actually, that parallels really well with Toy Story. Although for Cars the plot seems a little too high level for some younger children to invent, but Cars 2 sounds exactly like somebody gave their script to a five year old and said “Have at it son!”.

I can see this happening after the first models roll of the production line. Every one, all the same, dozens of them just in a swarm on the roads.

This is going in the favorites bar for SO many more instances of NOPE!

Two peroblems I see.

“ If you told me a decade ago that I’d willingly buy a Prius, and like it, I’d have laughed in your face. But, well, last June, I bought one, and like it quite a lot.”

Several favorite tracks from a variety of games for me.

Rush - One Little Victory

To add to your point, an engineer needs to understand the fabrication process as well. The end-user is only part of the equation. I can’t tell you how many times I have watched engineering students design a part, bring it to the machinist, and he/she just looks at them like “WTF?”. From complicated geometry to blind