
There’s a term for that in industry. IROC. Idiot Right Out of College. Ties in very well with this:

In FL, please send your spare rain.

Frau Blücher!

How about yard sales? I get up some Saturdays and just roam around looking. Parking at yard sales would require input of addresses or dropping pins. Screw that, I just want to pull over, hop out, buy crap, then leave. 5 min tops. Autonomous car?

Wait, you mean you volunteered to drive one? Like willingly?

Whenever the check engine light comes on it starts sweating pennies.

Seems like this is pretty universal.

Maybe he’s frozen in place?


It’s a VTEC thing. You wouldn’t understand.

“ Your mileage may vary.”

“Oh, and I have more cars than friends”

Only way Level 5 will become reality (and even Level 4 in most respects) is to have codified standards for autonomous cars and protocols for inter-car communication and infrastructure modifications (i.e. smart roads/barriers). I think that autonomous vehicles will be limited to primarily highway or central-urban use

Legend for those asking. Blue is low risk, red is high.

I would set fire to $25k and I know I’d get more entertainment value than spending it on this POS.

I would set fire to $25k and I know I’d get more entertainment value than spending it on this POS.