
Most states require owners to register in your resident state. Students often get exemption because they are dependents and still “reside” with the parents in the home state. And yeah, big part of the reason is finances, but also hassles of paperwork and fees associated with transferring back/forth depending on how

I know some companies used to do one-way rentals because they had a FL tagged vehicle in PA or NY. They often had a discount if you opted to drive it for them back to the home state. Worked well clearing out a home after a relative had passed (took some stuff back in the car that wouldn’t fit or was allowed on the

Poisonous snake = ingesting the snake

Media Intern: Sir! This Wikipedia article says that fighter jets sometimes hold two people!

U wut mate?

True story, my SO put down her sunshade one day and a “big ass” wolf spider was just chillin’ on the other side. I’m surprised she was able to park the car and calmly climb out. She stopped at a small 3 way intersection and when other people came to check what was wrong, most everyone NOPE’d out of the way. I had to

Because beige is a form of camouflage!

<Inset German-other country cat leak test joke here.>


On my old Sidekick, if you pulled up the e-brake, the DRLs would shut off. And in my 01 Camry, if you engage the brake before turning the car off, then the DRLs wouldn’t come on when you start it back up.

Recent thrift store impulse buys:

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Hey Torchy! Wanna look at my pic-a-nic gasket?