
I think what he’s saying is that they agreed upon an amount/percentage and they have failed to uphold that specific contribution.

Government official/NHSTA: This couldn’t possibly be defeated!

The Tuesday Morning PiIeup of 2025?

“I picked RAM memory...”

“When discussing the off-road performance of anything, only one vehicle comes to mind—the Jeep Wrangler.”

The phrasing is key. Like saying “The Pearl Harbor of modern America - 9/11 was a terrible tragedy”. The latter portion of the sentence supports the analogy at the begging.

My dumb high school self thought it would be fun to try pulling a handbrake left turn in my Suzuki Sidekick with my siblings in the car with me ( did I say dumb? I meant total loss of brain). Turn left from the highway at ~25mph on soaked roads, thinking I’ll be all cool and pull mad drifts yo! Turn starts out great,

I’ve coined the term “yoyoing” for these people. Like a yoyo, they keep going back and forth.

I’ve always believed incentives help more than taxes for getting people to make up their mind. Positive vs. negative reinforcement. Give them a reason to save money in a short term period and they will jump at it. Trying to give long-term fuel cost/energy savings makes people’s heads hurt and has a lower impact when


So if the finger wins COTD....


Can’t take off WELL. Dead English teachers could power the sun right now.

Honestly, the term racism is improperly used to a larger extent than people choose to admit. The true definition is viewing one race as superior to another simply due to that factor (i.e. I’m X and your are Y, so therefore you are worse). In reality, the problem we face is prejudice, stereotypes, and confirmation bias

Totally acceptable.

We had some car guys that loved to show off by getting sideways on the back stretches (sometimes 3 at a time) where the rows ran parallel to the main street. We had one guy who had a TV and DVD player in his car (2009) and we’d watch Youtube series on it after school. One kid was the valedictorian and worked on the

Like German.