
Interesting idea. Seems like it’s just making a top down map in Unity, but I can see the appeal. It would probably be a good idea to buy a cheap piece of plexiglass to lay over the top of the TV you’re using.

Check out Campaign Cartographer 3+. I’m not sure exactly what you mean when you refer to the D&D ruleset in relation to mapmaking, but CC3+ has the ability to build great looking maps. I don’t particularly appreciate the piecemeal way they sell extensions to the program, but it’s a great resource after you spend some

Arthur? Did I miss an aardvark somewhere? Or are we Arnold thinking?

I love this example.

Timothy Zahn contributed more to the Star Wars universe than George Lucas. It only made sense to scrap it and bring the franchise back to it’s roots.

I think it was probably a disconnect between the writers and the production design.

Where are the sticks in a flappy paddle system?

Luckily, incels are so self absorbed that they make themselves easy to find on the internet. They’re glorified in their shame and use red flag language that can be easily detected. If someone with the capabilities wanted to track these individuals, they wouldn’t have a difficult time.

Strange gave Thanos the Time Stone because the only timeline in which they won, he had all the Infinity Stones. Saying it now.

I probably have 7 or 8 old phones going back to the Blackberry era stuffed in various drawers around my house. 16 doesn’t seem like a lot when you have money to upgrade every time a new phone comes out. I tried to get angry about this but I couldn’t. Sorry.

About the cinematography - nothing here is going to win an Oscar, but some of the setpieces (particularly the scenes in space) are quite fun to look at. I wouldn’t consider much of the camera work “boring as hell” though. Sure, there aren’t a ton of risks being taken but it works.

She was programmed to love her daughter in a past narrative. The reverie subroutine is either intentionally or accidentally giving her direct access to those memories, when it’s “supposed” to (again, either intentionally or accidentally) just give her access to gestures. Whether she’s acting on impulse or following

Very early prototype. Not believable at all, tbh.

The fluid that was leaking out of his ear was the fluid that the host brain is submerged in. It never says it outright, but it showed us the inside of the host skull twice and made a point of letting us know it’s there, whatever purpose it serves.

72 months? On an Alfa? Yeah - great idea.

That’s a good point, but any story that shrouds itself in mystery is going to invite speculation.

I had a feeling Nublar was only going to be the first act. That being said, why name a movie after the first act alone? “Fallen Kingdom” could be an allusion to something else.

What this tells me is that it was luck that gave us the competence that was Rogue One. If the state of things really was that bad when Gilroy swept in, it doesn’t leave me with a ton of confidence that they’ll be able to replicate that success with Solo. I will admit that some of the shots in the trailer look great,

No, but I was excited with the lead in to Independence Day 3. The creative decision to transport the human race to the alien homeworld to defeat them at home was surprisingly ballsy. I was looking forward to seeing that on film.

Reading this was almost as cringey as watching an episode of The Big Bang Theory.