
I have an iPhone 7 Plus. When will my phone get Oreo?


God I love this show. Supernatural elements can only make it better.

I’ll be honest, I’m kind of sick of Lyanna Mormont. She felt like a minor character that got overblown by fandom. She’s becoming overdone in all of her appearances.

Even Southern California gets rain, sometimes.

“Culture” has not changed in that respect since the beginning of time. We’re no more screwed now (for that reason, anyway) than we ever were.

That’s pretty big of her to admit. A lot of people say her acting abilities are a bit shallow, and that it comes through more as Sansa begins to mature and play a larger role in GoT. I don’t know if I necessarily agree with that, but I do like her as a person. Not every star will open up and say that, not only were

I’m honestly surprised he put his name on there. These subhumans are usually too cowardly to attach their identity to their racism. I also applaud you for choosing the high ground and redacting it. I don’t know if I have that kind of moral fiber.

Do we know for sure if the Baratheons never recognized polygamy marriages with the Targaryens? Hardly anyone seems to know what really happened between Lyanna and Rheagar.

Well, his term wasn’t set to officially start until 8/15, so his political career lasted negative 16 days.

Wow, Brent Spiner is looking well for his age.

HAL was definitely a robot. A spacefaring robot that people lived inside.

I really don’t think that’s a bad thing. Let Spielberg have his way with the source material, for all I care.

Huh. Even the Spidey costume from a German water commercial is better than the one in Homecoming.

That’s an insightful answer, thank you.

So, are all the gods in GoT real, or is it like here where everyone is fighting over nothing?

I don’t think that’s entirely true. Homecoming was my most-looked-forward-to MCU film and many of my friends will tell you the same thing. TAS and TAS2 did poorly because they just weren’t good movies. Nobody asked for a montage where Peter is shredding a half-pipe and acts like a complete douche for the entire movie.

Jameson was honestly the most difficult to cast. And I just threw Mary Steenbergen in there because I love her. I love her so much.

This is going to seem low effort, because it is. But Spider-man would work great in the 80s.