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That’s for two adults, right?

Aldrin is so animated. It’s like he’s the only person in the room who hasn’t been drugged with whatever it is that makes everyone else there so stupid.

The premise may be totally ridiculous, but damn, if that’s not one of the best looking animated films I’ve seen in at least a decade.

I haven’t paid much attention to this series. Is the audience supposed to be on the side of the apes?

Jesus Christ, you are what’s wrong with this fandom. Do you really think that Gene Roddenberry thought that starships would look like plywood on the inside with light bulbs and ducting that could be bough from the local hardware store? You make concessions based on materials, budget, and network executives. People see

Minstrels didn’t die. They’ve just evolved. See Kanye.

Ughhh. Let’s see how they can turn this IP into a cheesy police procedural with low production value.

The USS Kelvin was built before the split. I can accept that the aesthetic is similar to what we saw in the film, because the film set the aesthetic for the Star Trek universe as of 2009. In fact, one might say that it’s a natural evolution of the design cues of ENT, even though that series is the red headed stepchild.

Excuse me. Are there whales in WoK? I didn’t think so.

It’s hilarious because the responses were clearly in jest, ironically (perhaps not) triggering Infowars crazies who clearly don’t understand humor.

This is frustrating. I haven’t watched it yet, but I assume Chase went out with a smile on his face. That’s a disgrace.

Most of us aren’t important enough to warrant all that cloak-and-dagger just to hack into our naked selfie machines.

I can’t believe that 45 seconds of Crispin Glover can make me go from passing interest to minor obsession. Oh wait, yes I can.

Headphone warning!

It’s ok. The coefficient of friction between the track and the tires seems to be smaller than with asphalt. It makes doing high speed maneuvers more difficult than what you would expect from Hot Wheels.

I know, right? I mean, judging by this single frame, I can definitely tell that the entire show is doomed.

I really enjoyed this. I view TMP as a sort of sterile experiment. It’s interesting and thought provoking, but it doesn’t really have a soul. I think this music added an emotional aspect that I found lacking from the original. I may be in the minority, but I felt like the film needed a little tightening up.