
I’m honestly way too excited for this season’s DC shows.

While beautiful, it’s obvious the optics on the rover are less than stellar. What prevented NASA from equipping Curiosity with a higher resolution imaging sensor and better glass? Is it simply a bandwidth issue?

Sometimes Jalop stories get cross posted to Gawker.

I see what you did there.

Chris Lloyd and Shatner: two of Hollywood’s biggest weirdos on screen together. Magical.

It’s kind of cool. With the way social media is integrated to a viral ad campaign, it can be hard to distinguish the line between what’s fiction and what’s real (those involved, links to semi-relevant, real-world articles, etc.). It definitely enhances the feeling of authenticity.

Because every Samsung I’ve ever owned (and I’ve owned plenty) crashes and burns after 6 months. I decided to go to the 6 Plus when that came out, because I like big, relatively easily swappable screens, cohesive UI’s broad third party support and solid build quality.

Mother of GOD, do you read? It comes with an adapter!

False. Keep it attached to your headphones.

Agreed. I liked Chakotay/Janeway more

It’s been a long road....

Those are the same sentiments I have about Jeri Ryan. Her character was interesting and multifaceted, but there was an unnecessary use of sexualization. I’ve never thought about it, but Seven of Nine is sort of a copy and paste of T’Pol.

You guys need to chill.

The future is now, thanks to science.

Is it upside down or just aimed at a thing?

Many Bothans died to bring us this article.

I tried to join a friend’s game, but as I had mods installed, it wouldn’t let me. So I uninstalled them one-by-one to see if I could join with any of them. I finally made it to the last one, Improved Containers, and I refused to uninstall it. Solo only for me now, it seems. I can’t play without it.

So, how hard is it to tell an intern to update their twitter while the rest of them are “keeping their heads down”?

Yes, wearing underwear on the outside is sillier than a belt.

Looks like I’m gonna have to get started on my Clifford binge.