
This tip, plus the curve ball and the good/great/excellent throws remind me of the old “smash A over and over again” trick on the earlier Pokemon games. It didn’t do anything but it made you feel like you had a bit of control.

What’s the trade-off? If this was a perfect solution, wouldn’t the plants already have that on by default?

Not if it’s on a porous surface like sand. It’s weight will be spread out across the entire contact patch. On a hard surface, like metal or stone, it wouldn’t matter.

The way the trailer was cut makes me think I was watching a trailer for an anime that just happens to be in live action.

Without any context you sound like a crazy person. Can you link to that article?

It even has hands! No more floaty objects.

That’s how they keep it grounded. Remember the prequels where everything was matte paintings and CG?


Lance of Longinus?

What exactly is this sound? In space, no one can hear your bow shock.

On a related note: I thought PacRim was Guillermo’s baby. Why’d he step down?

Full speed ahead, Mister Sulu.

After seeing Lyanna for what as far as I know is the first time, all I could think was

Kids, don’t do this. But if you do, take more than 5 seconds of video.

I have nothing to contribute to your search request, but this artist’s vision of the future is a lot more in line with reality than a lot of other guys. Maybe look for someone who is known for having a more conservative style?

What if the brake fails? Then you have a vehicle that’s still in neutral (assuming you don’t leave it in gear) rolling down the hill trying to kill you.

You forgot the /s

Mmmm. Mcdonalds.

I don’t think it would be a huge loss.

Can you imagine finding out that Yahoo is buying the place you work? It’s like being a rebel on the Tantive IV and watching the Devastator suck you in with it’s tractor beam.