
Corn Cream/Milk is underutilized I feel. The whole world thinks we eat tons of corn but all we mostly do is cornbread and corn on the cob. since you posted this, I ordered some Creamed corn and am scouring the net for recipes for rice crispy treats, or shortbread, or best would be a blondie recipe (maybe w/ white choc

awesome selections. but not exactly “weird”? neither in the classic comic sense (weird fantasy etc.) nor weird in a common sense (unless you mean comics are weird in which I would If you want weird to the max (in the old sense, but you don’t want to read old EC comics...Junji Ito just

awesome selections. but not exactly “weird”? neither in the classic comic sense (weird fantasy etc.) nor weird in a

try paneer - tastes better anyway

I would go the Indian way (which I feel is much tastier anyway).  Mix Chickpea flour (or Graham Flour as they call it, and that version I think is finer in texture actually, or maybe vice versa) and mix in cold water .. it will be very sticky...coat and double “breading” needed.  although I bet you could coat

cola and chocolate are also good together though it doesn’t sound like it should be so.

we aren’t inventing this - we’re among the few in the 1st world that tip. I wouldn’t like an automatic tip added, but they should increase the food prices and give me the bill.

its gotta be perfect or dont do it at all. the cereal hack is legit though.  my cousins in india used to do that - I felt funny about it but now I would scold myself as a purist.

potatoes in Mexican food is genius. they shouldn’t remove...hopefully they are redoing it (maybe making it gluten free or something). but yes, there is a limited amount of people who eat vegetarian items (whether themselves technically vegetarian or not)...and those people, like you and me, only get a limited amount

i am probably pretty dumb for asking but how do I watch Solitary Gourmet in english?

I sometimes prefer warmed milk....its not uncommon in many parts of the world. I also like the cereal-infused milk that is room temperature at the end of the bowl. Basically I’m not an absolutist and distrust people who put down a line in the sand based on personal taste.  

love it - now pack it in dry ice and overnight it to me - here’s 200$

Cheddar Chutney

I’m not one of those declaimers...but I feel the only acceptable pet is a dog. they are the only animal that loves us more than we love them....I’m kidding. sort of.  I love all animals - but as a pet?  I expect more than to be tolerated or ignored...I expect love dang it!

i wish I could where a complete retro-futurist bubble helmet. I (used to) ride the train to NY daily...and I would often get the flu because people don’t cover their mouths (or stay home if they are sick). I will definitely be wearing a mask whenever the company starts to bring us back in (telecommuting right

there is no link to the chess set that is in the top picture?

there is no link to the chess set that is in the top picture?

I get it. I also don’t have much faith in humanity to think more than an inch deep or for more than the breadth of a soundbite. I’ve often wondered...why don’t we just say “Black Lives Matter TOO”. That way no one gets caught up in semantic head spinning (though I get the use in the first place of BLM is to be a bit

I’m sick of all the articles on how much food is better in other countries. Even England, with historically dubious food, uses only real sugar instead of cornsyrup. can’t that be an option the companies provide us (perhaps at a higher cost)? better food..instead of pre-dijested pap. we need someone to disrupt the food

i agree

honest (innocent) question. is buying one of these cool older cars only worth it if you get pleasure from it (enough to offset the upkeep and unreliability of getting a cheap lease for like 150$ a month)

you sound like you may know. I tried to make paneer recently with whole milk I had (combined: 1 gallon organic valley, and 1/2 gallon goat milk the shopper at whole foods sent me as a substitute instead of goat cheese :/). My technique is to bring to a scant boil, allow to cool it slightly, and then add yogurt...but