
how much research is one supposed to do before using a service? sounds exhausting.

there is one.

but they are also getting orders they wouldn’t otherwise get. I think it washes out. but I don’t like that there is nobody responsible for errors - the restaurant points at the delivery service...for missing items for example, and the delivery service has an 800 service that nobody answers.

its not a bagel unless its boiled first...will try this... thanks!!

is there a low carb version of this? would almond or coconut flour work?  maybe you’d need to add xanthum gum...

wow best find ever!!!!

so its a sweet chocolate ... omelette?

NOT TRUE. the American media is saying this based on doctors thinking people will not use the mask properly. used properly, the mask can help in reducing transmission both way.

I usually have a 1 hour + commute on the subway/train (Long Island to NYC) but my firm has told me to stay home. my first two days have been exhausting because all our clients seem to have emergencies....I bet this will get worse. but I have been able to take a nice hour long walk daily and get some fresh air, and get

controversial - best juicer is a blender plus cheese cloth.  

controversial - best juicer is a blender plus cheese cloth.  

vinegar works too btw

very good point - Balkan Vodka — 176 Proof. you can find high octane spirits. but its important people realize 40 proof is different than what you need. but if you just take a bottle of vodka and splash it on your hands - that won’t work?

it takes the hurt away though - suddenly you don’t care so much about the whole situation - or anything. thats a good medicine I say!

W. T. Heck?  Where do people hear such things...I’m clearly not reading the right things...I would love to start sending people “scientific” evidence of absurd things....

vodka. its cheap. works better than the over priced gel.

why don’t people just make their own hand sanitizer w/ vodka and geletin?

lol - I saw that this morning. you know. nothing wrong with it. But, while it isn’t scientific evidence as its just limited personal experience...people who eat bacon like this...I’ve noticed its typically the fat guy or the guy w/ an impending heart condition (or donuts, or etc....).  

makes sense.

this is going to be the challenge of the next 20+ years as the boomers age out....

agreed - this is all nonsense “0.54 g/lb” is a ridiculously high amount of protein for a normal person. how much protein does it take to make 1 pound? 123grams. how many pounds would a pretty decent gain be over a year? 10 pounds give (or probably) take...but let’s say you can sustain 1 pound a month. That means you