
sorry in advance - but this is all complete horse puckey. your body (and muscles, and progress) will be fine (assuming you aren’t a super competitive world class athlete) whether you work out on a full stomach or empty stomach - whether or not you eat protein/glucose 30 minutes after...or 3 hours after. information

cultured butter is amazing.  I bet cultured (ie - fermented) clotted cream would be good too - but is that just creme fraiche then?

Double Devone Cream is almost the same thing...sounds better. But in ‘Merica - we should call it Biscuit Spread.

i DO (yOUTUBE rED) - you gert some premium content like karate kid, but what I like is that you can stream from the youtube app even when the phone is turned off, and you can save files offline - it is very useful for my commute....I use it more than netflix or amazon well worth it - youtube has really great

I hope so. just leaving it be and avoiding the conflict seems to be the only sane choice. But as we’ve probably all experienced - there’s a ton of macho guys out there who seem super ready to puff up and fight.  I must admit it hurts my pride a little, because on one had you don’t want to back down (wimp out - however

ok, I want to understand. Here’s three questions:

alas that wouldn’t really work in real life right? having a fight in mid air probably puts you both in jail...and frankly even on the it really worth the risk that the other guy has a gun or is a psycho? not sure I get the machismo here (btw - don’t be mad at me - I’m not specifically talking about you

while I personally prefer not to recline - if the person in front of me reclines I am forced to because otherwise I have the front person’s seat in my place.  and since most seats recline, and it is part of the price of the ticket, I don’t think there is anything we can do to stop it.  I think people who get upset by

I love any highlight on much maligned beans that there is - but I need to question the logic of this...are we asking, “does more expensive food taste better than less expensive food?”  I hope the market knowledge that produces prices means generally yes.....otherwise alot of fancy restaurants are pure ripoffs...

good advice.

I mean - other than the 1st world countries you’d think of (US. Europe. Australia) only Japan also has drinkable tap water. In 2020!! I’m trulay disappointed...truly truly truly...ah ahhhh ahh.

I think travelling in the first world - electronic phone boarding passes are the best.  really how hard is it to switch between applications?  but in the third world I’d always print it just in case.....sometimes the rules aren’t followed.

I”m with you - we should be super selective of the physical books we buy and we should make sure we Kondo-the_frack out of them. I typically only buy hardback older manga (Jiro Tanaguchi) that is almost like poetry to me since its mostly art. I will also buy provocative books to shake people up who visit (like “A

yeah kindle is the best. and so is audible. I’m a troll to amazon but it improves my life.  and comixology is the best  but I can’t read them on by ereader ....its a constant battle for me to bring 1 or 2 device 

i think people fetishize everything  - objects, the past, themselves and their own experiences....let go - just let go - you’ll be gone before you know it - cut that book and read it - don’t buy it and forget about it on the shelf....

why does having more than one flavor bother you? they are not taking anything away from you? seems a waste of your time to worry about.  plus we are not all in the same mass market group - there’s a long long tail....

so take a major holiday and add or subtract a that it?

haven’t tried one in montreal (had one at a toronto famer’s market ... it was nothing special). but can we agree that London’s beigels are terrible.

yes 1000%

the thing that still gets me is how primitive and cultish we all are by nature.  whenever some new diet trend takes the forefront, there are ..basically I’d call them zealots.....that shout you down in any forumn if you don’t follow their thinking.