
No San, Thank YOU and your people for being stalwart in the face of evil! Here in the US one of the few things we can universally agree on is that the Kurdish people are deserving of all the help we can provide. Hopefully some day soon there can be a true and lasting peace for a people who have earned it many times

I hope that these helicopters can send ISIS devils straight to hell with no virgins awaiting them. May all ISIS terrorists look like Swiss Cheese.

And God bless the brave Kurdish people. You have withstood all the hate and violence from Sadaam Hussein and now ISIS. May the Kurdish people finally get a homeland and may they be victorious in their campaign against those terrorist devils.

You're confusing cats and dogs :P
The cats will just find new owners xD

why gas is $4 a gallon

We have something very similar in Toronto - Deep Lake Water Cooling. We take water from the depths of Lake Ontario and pump it through condensers that provide cooling to a bunch of buildings downtown. It was turned on about 10 years ago...

Perhaps white person giver? Since, you know, we were the ones who kept promising native americans things and then taking them back when it suited our whims. Also, it doesn't matter if you meant the phrase to be racist or not, it's a racist phrase. Just like you can't use a racial slur whether you mean it to be racist

I sure hope the Conservatives lose big time in the next elections. What they're doing to the veterans and that general budget cut is awful.

I don't know, we still don't know really anything about the iWatch, or even if there will be one definitively. One of the biggest product launches of the year and we don't even know what it will look like. That's pretty big.

The phone leaks are real. You can't make 45 million of something over in China and expect nothing to leak.

I'm fascinated that so many people think that every country has Gen 4-5 aircraft and precision weapon systems.

You use what you can afford to operate. Heck, there are countries that have air forces with no operational combat aircraft. I'm not to taking sides here but from the Syrian governments perspective this is a

That would be a 100 or 250 kg bomb falling from the right wing outboard pylon.

I wish I knew someone who loves our government... I shit you not, I don't know a single person who'd admit to voting for Harper

Defending our super harsh arctic will continue to require a twin engine fighter. The F-35 is a bad choice for Canada.

As a Canadian I hope to god we pick the Super Hornet and leave things be.

Hey bro.. I'm all American. I shit red, white and blue (don't ask). But lemme say something here... Rugby is not a sport for weakling-types.

You Wingnuts really don't know how the 1st Amendment works, do you?

Why do we fight wildfires? These forests got along just fine for milennia, without anybody coming along to put out the occasional wildfire. Is it because we're protecting property? If so, why are we putting property where it's likely to get burned?

Bread is always stored outside of the fridge, usually on the counter in its bag, because that's how my mom did it. I've never put bread in the fridge, and the few times I've eaten bread at someone else's house that had been stored in the fridge, it tasted NASTY. I don't understand why anyone would do that to bread.