
Maybe we should cozy up to Saudi Arabia? I forgot we already blow them. I'll take Iran over Saudi any day of the week.

This is farming, not nature.

You don’t?

Thank you

Thank you, I love common sense

Do you really beleive that? You really think Iran's human rights are worse than Saudi Arabia? At least women can drive in Iran.

I love how you have to tell people for years to read the comments, fucking hillarious lol

Ok but they have to spend extra to put it in.

Sure you can, but know one is giving you free come with marijuana.

Why would someone spend money on mescaline to put it in your weed? lol

What ever happened to peace keeping, Canada used to be respected for that. Haven't we learned anything from the past, you truly think bombing is going to help. Harper can bomb all the Muslims he wants, but it's not going to solve anything.

That's the stupid thing, in Canada we don't call that ham crap bacon, we call bacon, bacon and I love mine crispy

Fuck Fermi and his Paradox. Who says life is rare? You think it's reasonable? Please tell me how many planets, moons or whatever we've checked for life, then tell me how many we have left to check. For all we know Mars had life billions of years ago.

I call bullshit

I really hate when people say it's rare, how the fuck would we know.

You wouldn't be biased would you?

Maybe your owner poisoned them.

You'd think they'd compost them instead of filling landfills.
