Haha! Clinton's dick!


I always say to myself, as I’m clicking play, that I shouldn’t watch these videos. But then I do.

You forgot:

Any examples of what they took issue with? Legitimately curious.

My dog has no eyes, and I’m pretty sure he has concussions everyday from walking into stuff. He seems fine.

True story. And he never gave credit, but would whine like a baby when someone did it to them.

He also loves gambling, and those tabs can add up quick...

+1 to Deadspin for actually attempting to help here. I know he’s an absolutely insufferable douche, but for once he’s actually doing the right thing and so are you guys! It warms the cockles of my black heart.

Isn’t it amazing that it seems like the first move by administrations is to cover shit up? They quarantined them for hours when they went for help? Assuming this is true, it’s just another example of how colleges don’t really give a shit that women are being harassed and taken advantage of, and that they just want to


How is this not filed under LolMets?

I think you mean scuffling, even though I have always kind of disagreed with that word to describe someone struggling as well.

Awesome article. Those ladies were hilarious. I still maintain that A League of Their Own is one of the best baseball movies ever.

Honestly, I was kind of confused when they traded Herrera, as he was touted as the second baseman of the future, and I wasn’t too psyched to have Bruce as I felt he was overrated. Bruce ended up hitting a ton of homers for the Mets, and had the team stayed somewhat healthy, he would have been a huge contributor on a

You know, the fact that he allegedly doesn’t drink make things like this even more concerning.

We are clearly in the Upside Down. We just need to find our way out. Without Barb.

I think about this all the time. Obviously the NFL has done a horrible job dealing with the concussion issue, but they have taken steps (probably for good PR more than anything else, but steps nonetheless) to at least try to make the game safer. Boxing and MMA are sports where the actual goal is to knock the guy out,

Is this real life?

We had golf as an option for gym at my high school. We were waiting around for the teacher one day, and I took a huge divot with a practice swing. The divot arced through the air and landed squarely in a girls open mouth. The girl happened to have braces, and when most of the divot fell away, there were still clumps

Might have been a double header.