Haha! Clinton's dick!

You know what I love? Guys that call up sports talk radio and complain about guys celebrating in the end zone. Every single one of those guys has to bring up Barry Sanders, “he just handed the ball back to the ref and acted like he’d been there before.” You know that these are the same guys that are yelling,

+1 Full Ride to Big State.

More like a good days Dwork, amirite?

And Mac, the horses name, was Friday.

Me, my brother and a friend went to all you can eat sushi in college. We ordered a ton of rolls, and then realized that they charged extra for every roll you didn’t finish, to try and prevent wxactly what we had done. After basically shoving as much as humanly possible down our gullets, we proceeded to take the rest

Police: We are looking for a fast black man in an orange shirt

Do you know him personally?

Surgery is almost never done to repair MCL sprains. It’s usually just rehab and time.

President Obama didn’t say offhand “I was born in Kenya, BT Dub,” repeatedly. Donald Trump has referred to the travel ban over and over again as a Muslim ban I don’t want to get into a semantically argument with you, but the guy has literally said the words himself. Does the executive order these clowns have tried

You do realize that he and his people have explicitly called it a Muslim ban repeatedly, correct? Good job on cutting and pasting the same response over and over as well.

Michael Jordan- NBA Great

Certainly you kid.....

I think this might be one of the only situations where “Do you know who the fuck my father is” is actually an appropriate response.

I think relievers should be required to face a minimum of 3 batters per appearance, with some kind of penalty to prevent players from faking injuries. I love baseball, but there is nothing worse than the micromanaging done by managers late in games, much of it pointless. Let a left handed specialist have to get a

Counterpoint: no. Also, really wish you had fielded that ground ball cleanly

I actually missed the tense he used. He definitely does. He probably has no idea who any of the people he mentioned are. We are truly living in the Upside Down.

I had no idea that this was a thing. Do teams not consider the names of companies when accepting sponsorship money?

Headline: Jackets Off Tonight

Despite the gambling woes, Debartolo was really successful because he had the best Policy.

When he told me the story I said he probably could have easily removed it if he had just drilled a hole in the bottom of the bottle. Not sure how intelligent this guy was.