They're... Gonna swing.... From the Chanticleers.... The chanticleeeers!
I am extremely confused- is he serious or not?
+1 Great Wall
How else are you going to build your immune system?
He might be fat, but he is definitely not unathletic
As a die hard Mets fan who grew up in the 90's, it makes me extremely happy to see what’s going on here, but I don’t think it’s really Cashman’s fault. He was clearly given and edict by the Steinbrenners and upper management, and has kind of been forced to run the team a certain way. It’s pretty widely accepted that…
Darnell! ESU! We just want to welcome you!
You know what else I don’t get? The example always put forth is a guy pretending to be a woman, going in to a woman’s bathroom, and raping a little girl. What’s to stop said man from going into a mans bathroom and raping a little boy? Maybe adults shouldn’t be allowed in bathrooms with children, period. Also, are…
You don't get it......
Fake snow is just the perfect texture for running....
Die hard Mets fan here. That was not a hanger. That was straight filth. I've never understood why most Mets fans hate Beltran so much. Everyone acts like Wainwright was out there throwing BP and if Beltran had just swung the Mets would have been in the World Series. The best he probably could have done was foul that…
The NFL: once every 347 times, we get something right!
In 2014, a kid from the high school I graduated from, whose name was Tom, was killed during a football game after a hit to the head. This year, in the county championship, they played the same school that they had been plain when he died. My brother and I were at the game, sitting in the top row of the bleachers on…
100%! I love how the NFL acts like its like a godamn branch of the US Government. The whole Ballghazi thing just showed how seriously they take themselves. I cannot believe that people buy into “The Shield” and all of the other stupid shit they peddle. I find myself caring less about the NFL by the day.
You do realize that paying players less wouldn't decrease ticket sales, it would just line owners pockets further, right?
Let's not Russian to judgement here.
This is outrageous! An 18 year old on JV!?
My buddy was working as a carpenter for the summer when he was in law school. Early in the day, he had to poop. His job site didn’t have a port-a-potty, so he drove to another one that did. He opened the door and found that one basically full to the rim. At that point, he decided he could probably hold it for the rest…