Rock Bottom

Similarly, when my boomer Uncle asks me how many cubic inches a Corvette engine is these days, I have no fuckin clue. 

In soviet Russia mass and energy conserves you. 

And then your wife crucifies you.

Why is it a religious experience?

We’re also glad you’re not a cop. Psychopath.

i’m most irritated that he ripped off a grocery store and then screwed up a $30k+ v8 rwd car.  a grocery store chain i used to do service work at once told me that they never kept more than $500 in the register at any given time.  don’t know how well the idea carries, but i doubt he made away with even enough to pay

The supposed capabilities of this thing are hilarious. Four to eight miles per hour? Lordy. Do you have any idea how much power that would require?

But can it land after doing highly classified, threatening orbital maneuvers? Up your game Russia.

The hilarity of living in a state with no emissions or safety inspections is that it’s the perfect combination of the right’s “don’t regulate me!” attitude and the left’s “don’t burden the poor!” mantra.

Um, no.

Tophat? Why not call it for what it is.

Offtopic, but currently I don’t personally even have a car, only motorcycle. And I have to admit it’s somehow freeing experience.

Btw Rob as a tire salesman please stop saying Connies, if you feel the need to shorten Continental the industry refers to them as Contis

I have said it before and I’ll say it again. Anyone who posts an automatic car as a manual in an online ad should be sentenced to death.

There is no greater disappointment than finding the perfect vehicle. Everything is exactly how you want it to be and then the interior shot comes and its a fucking automatic. The


The only 28 year olds I'm buying are either hourly or sportier or both

This is such a Brad comment. 

Lighten up, Francis.

Take a deep breath Brad.