Rock Bottom

Love all the Internet SJW’s taking the OPP’s tweet at face value. The dangerous driving done here was by the OPP. They shut down the main highway north out of Toronto so they could cause a traffic jam. Then they pulled anyone who had a nice car out of the line and arbitrarily handed out tickets, none of which will

Deus Vult

Or the ultimate throwback, Pope Pius X. Gotta represent, stay out of Purgatory.


I had a friend who was a model for Rockstar energy. Basically what the monster girls do just a different brand and she loved what she did. Who am I and who are you to judge these girls. Nobody is forcing them into this. You can’t say youre for the advancement of women then condem them all in the same article

If girls want to pay me to be shirtless and oiled down at an event, I would be happy to oblige.

Not sure why people cling to the whole body on frame idea so strongly...

Uh, the Porsche 911 has looked like a frog since it was first spawned back in the 60s.


This is me in Somerset

I love your work Alanis but this headline is a bit click-baitey maybe?

I have used hockey pucks for mounts when in a pinch and they will probably work a little better and maybe absorb more vibrations than wood.

Get some of these guys and bolts that match the size, drill hockey puck with one size smaller bit, then heat up steel spacer and press it into the hockey puck then just get bolts

Yes. But now they won’t be forced to do it. Fundamental difference.

So let’s talk fault. My opinion, which is actively professional but not operating professionally in this case because 1) I’m not being paid to offer my opinion on this loss, 2) I don’t handle claims in California, and 3) I’m seeing one video perspective without any other facts of loss. In other words, even though this

I’m a CA lane splitter and this is 100% on the motorcyclist.

I feel that truck that barely gets used is the absolute worst use of the technology. Why would municipalities pay more for the EV? Plus, the environmental impact of fire trucks has got to be minuscule.

Those Navy/Marine pilots who flew over Vietnam must be surprised.

Your definition of “used in battle” is fairly exclusionary of the last 70+ years of carrier history, and their air-wing’s contributions to the Korean, Vietnam, Cold, and Gulf wars... not to mention GWOT. But don’t let that get in the way of your narrative.

They probably would have hacked up and cremated the owner if he had tried to stop them. Nothing is sacred in Detroit people.