Rock Bottom

fuck that

I’m currently living/testing that hypothesis

As in Jaguar, correct?

The accurate statement is:

Miata Is Always The Answer, as long as you already own an XJ.

The answer is always XJ.


The frivolous lawsuit is a time honoured American tradition.

Yep, people used to tell me I was crazy for flying helicopters because they will just fall out of the sky. To me airplanes are much more dangerous to land in a engine off situation. Where a helicopter could land in a 30'x 15' box safely, an airplane would take a 15'x 170' foot smooth and obstruction free surface, go

Performing an auto-rotation landing is a compulsory part of getting a rotary-wing pilot’s license.

You mean 350.

“The goal of socialism is communism” - Vladimir Lenin. That guy, I daresay, forgot more about socialism than you, me or Have Jeep will ever know. What most folks who endorse socialism don’t realize is this - you’re concentrating power in a single institution (government). That never, ever bodes well for liberty. And

It’s their only defense. They can’t argue on the facts, all they can do is appeal to the fact that you “don’t know what you’re talking about” and hope that you just get annoyed enough to just leave them alone. Which, honestly, is what usually happens.

A 90+% tax rate (aside from being batshit insane) is 10% short of complete communism. Communism is like straight up fisting/prison rape, but at least it’s upfront about it. Socialism makes you take it and its friends out to a really expensive dinner first, then when you get home it fists you and leaves $5 on the bed

ROFL when you point out what a socialist is then dozens of people with their cattle minded opinions come to prove how you’re right.

I don’t see it that way. I get nothing free from the Government. I pay for my own food, housing, insurance, bills, cars, all of it.

There are plenty of socialist/communist countries out there - which they claim to love - but never seem to emigrate to. This, despite their emigration policies being very open and welcoming.

Why are socialists convinced that the only reason anyone doesn’t support socialism is because they ‘don’t understand what it means’ and need to ‘do their research’?

All socialists are stereotypical socialists. They believe their form of socialism will work, because they’ve got better people than the other form of socialism had.

I have, lots of people have. Hes a Socialist, he even admits it, for years. Why don’t YOU do some research and open your eyes.

Bored son in law of Kajillionaire takes one of kajillionaires wifeys $100K car after she’s bored with it and makes it art project to boast a socialist to show how “down with the struggle” he is from behind his 8ft tall privately secured walls.....a true man of the people....