Rock Bottom

I’m pissed at the illegal threat on a human’s life in MY country by someone who’s not a citizen of MY country but came here to enjoy/abuse the way of life we offer without becoming a citizen himself. It is most certainly MY country, not his. Not until he goes through the pain of becoming a legal citizen, like millions

Now playing

Maybe we could shove him in a suitcase and let a large angry primate go to town on it.

Ha ha, not usually!

“He told me verbatim, ‘I could have you killed and get away with it,’” Rogers said. “I told him, ‘the press is allowed to be here on the sidewalk on a public street.’ He said, ‘(Expletive) America’ and threw a cigarette at me.”


I know them feels. My previously rust-free XJ has been pressed into winter duty these past couple years. Until I moved back to Michigan, she was my NorCal based camping/mountain biking rig. No salt, no snow, only sun and occasional dirt roads. Last winter was hard on her and this winter isn’t likely to be any better :(

Am I the only one who loves School Bus Figure 8 Racing?

Well played, sir! I stand corrected!

This picture shows the .30-06 that your typical Alaskan gives his daughter for her 15th birthday next to the classic 7.62 AK-47 round that the insurgents you refer to are generally using. Not sure I’d say your desert insurgents are more heavily armed than the American woodsman. Oh, and if you’re thinking IEDs are

I’m a “funding-limited” hooligan on a budget. My current stable suits all my needs!

The fastest/easiest way to remove the blades, crashed or uncrashed, is to pull the blade pins. Cutting them or the blades will take 10 times as long. Same goes for the hub. The fastest and easiest way to remove them is to take them apart the right way.

Most of the “man-detectable” noise from a helicopter comes form the tail rotor... why then did they leave the one tail rotor blade uncovered?

I share your opinion.

I hung out with a bunch of National Guard Huey guys about 10 or so years ago and they had similar opinions of the Blackhawk. They were slated to be moved to the UH-60 a few months later and were very unhappy about it. I recall one of them saying that “Real choppers only need 2 blades and 1 turbine to get the job

Interesting to see that the hub is gone... I mean, it’s not uncommon for the blade pins to break (causing the blades to, ya know, leave), but it looks like the entire hub is missing from the main shaft. I wonder if it was quickly removed to hide any novel technology, or if it was lost in the accident. Those don’t come


I smelled what you were stepping in!

With so many moving parts in such close proximity...

Riders with this are the worst kind of people. Several times I’ve seen people pull over because they thought the police were coming through. To me, if you’re the guy with a flashing light (often also wearing an orange safety vest), then you’re too worried to be riding a bike in the first place. Get a horse. Or a Volvo.