
That litter box story is horrible and one of the reasons why I stopped watching that show — some of those owners were, in my opinion, abusive. (Ham guy aside, because his oversight is that cat’s gain.)

I know that it’s popular trope that all cats hate their owners, but how many of you all have cats that do actually like you?

All three of mine love being around me, and demand to be loved on and cuddled. I’d post a picture of the three them with me on my bed but Kinja is being dumb.


Team Bernies for life:

I know he’s a good snowboarder and all, but I cannot stand this dude.


Likewise JK SImmons still scares the shit out of me every time I see him on screen. Vern Schillinger, one of the scariest most evil TV characters EVER

Years ago I worked at a company that had a large office in Salt Lake. Traveled there many times. Mormons suck.

I think you might be taking this a tad too seriously.

What did the Sandy Hook shooter use? What did the Pulse nightclub shooter use? What did the Las Vegas shooter use?

People like to blame “mental health” every time somebody gets shot dead, but that’s insulting and degrading to people who actually have mental health issues. The vast majority of people who commit shootings would’ve been considered perfectly sane by a psychiatrist up until the moment that they decided to go kill

I know we are talking about Donald, but how fuking hard could’ve been to walk/roll 30 feet from Oval office to WH Press room if he really wanted to condemn domestic violence...

“I call this meeting of The Man Bun Society to order!”

I teach at a university.

I just hugged my cats and swore I’d never hurt them. Just reading about this makes my heart hurt. This bitch is horrible.

WHAT . THE. FUCK??????? Who decides to cruelly kill their pet like that at an airport. I just...and she’s going to sue?????

Yea, I was thinking the same. Like, it was an “emotional support” pet, yet she killed the little critter instead of just looking for another option?

Yeah no, this is not on Spirit. This woman has something seriously wrong with her if she actually flushed a living creature down a toilet, there were many, many other options. Jesus fucking christ.