
I've just been listening to Brian Eno interviewed on British comedian Adam Buxton's podcast, spread over two episodes, if you're interested. He's one of those I can listen to all day. (Eno, not Buxton, though he's all right too.)

Great version of We Can Work It Out - one of the better Beatles covers I've heard.

Finally got round to the new Steve Earle album, So You Wannabe An Outlaw, and it's excellent.

She said she wants to lick his taint. Not Prime Ministerial language, I know, but these are strange times we live in.

Their version of Then I Kissed Her is a beauty.

Especially the one with the moustache, far right (appropriately enough).

Three chapters into something new, and almost finished proofreading something old. It's been a pretty full-on few weeks.

Fuck Theresa May's mealy-mouthed, half-arsed condemnation that wasn't. We need your trade deals post-Brexit, so forgive us our moral cowardice - there's cash at stake.

The Jayhawks - Misery Tavern
Spacemen 3 - Ecstasy Symphony
Warren Zevon - Roland The Headless Thompson Gunner
Seth Lakeman - Tender Traveller
Beth Orton - I Wish I Never Saw The Sunshine

They've got homemade ones.

I'm thinking I'll give him one more chance, but if he says something like Presence is the best Led Zeppelin album, that's it, I wash my hands of the guy.

They're mad that he 'gave' his daughter to a Jew.

With the key still in the door.

Nice to see a Morecambe & Wise reference on the AVC.

I'm English, so I'll concede that I'm not sure I need quite this level of detail. I've been taking breaks for lighter fare every 250 pages or so. Great book, obviously, but heavy for a foreigner.

Asperger's syndrome, knackered, megadose, Provo, stoner, wiseass, and gonzo.

A supplement at the back of my Collins English Dictionary tells me that this:

You're thinking of The Dead Zone. Stillson = Still Nixon.

I'm reading Nixonland off and on, and I can report the '60s were a pretty rough time for riots and killings. MLK and RFK were shot in the same chapter.

Nah, fuck him.