
Newcastle is a character, too, that of a violent fat drunk.

*piano section montage*

Kid's got some penis on him.

Trump says Tonight is the best Bowie album and all others will be removed from every platform.

It's my favourite Bowie too, or at least the one I listen to the most.

I would maybe justify the Frog Chorus by saying it was aimed at 4 year olds.

Bob Marley and the Wailers predominantly. All of it.
Also David Bowie, mainly Ziggy Stardust, Station To Station, Aladdin Sane.
And some Aretha Franklin, mainly Lady Soul.

I'm new to his stuff beyond Legend, but this and Burnin' are the frontrunners so far. And the pre-Island stuff with Lee Scratch Perry is great too.

Bob Marley, Catch A Fire.

Heh, Ultravox. I have a soft spot for them.

I don't mind it. Not his greatest work, but listenable.

Fuck waiting to see if I have enough students to run a summer school, so I can stagger through to September.

All right, you got me there.

The Rolling Stones - Brown Sugar (live)
Elvis Presley - Hey Jude
Mark Knopfler - Monteleone
Mark Knopfler - Victims
Johnny Cash - Country Trash

What about The Beatles and Shakespeare and David Bowie?

'I don't want gay people around me when I'm killing kids.'

I think, here in the UK, that anyone who votes Tory should be banned from using the NHS. And state schools. And roads.

Taking a break from Nixonland one third of the way through and turning to a couple of other things:
Nabokov's Dozen, Vladimir Nabokov. Can't satiate myself of his prose at the minute. The four stories I've read so far have been dreamlike and beautiful.
A Brief History Of Seven Killings, Marlon James. For some reason,

I feel that way about Pink Floyd. Not about Cream, though.

Have you heard Toad by Cream?