
Hands up: I misread your reply. No, I couldn't read 800 pages in one sitting.

Don't talk about me like I'm not here.

Yeah, I've read books of that length on the Blair-Brown Labour govt in recent years.

Reading Nixonland by Rick Perlstein - fascinating, from my UK perspective, but my UK perspective also means I'm not sure I can digest 800 pages without a couple of breaks for other things. Interesting to see race and welfare used for political gain in the eternal way.

Whoever the new Doctor is, they won't be performing abortions.

Shot in Mythoscope, of course.

The other night, after seeing it mentioned here, I watched the 2005 film version of The Call of Cthulhu - which they made in the style of a silent film from the 20s, as if the story had been filmed not long after publication. It was great, very amusing, very lovingly done from the crackles on the vinyl soundtrack to

Don't upset yourself, lad.


1. This Years Model
2. My Aim Is True
3. Get Happy
4. Almost Blue
5. Blood and Chocolate
6. Armed Forces
7. King Of America
8. Imperial Bedroom

I've worked in a prison. It's very true. Of course, the ones who never see the inside of a prison might be cleverer.

Big Country, 6 times between the ages of 14 and 21. Manic Street Preachers would be second, with 4 or 5 shows, can't quite remember now.

I don't know the original; I should look into that.

The first 4 albums, mainly. In fact, mainly the first two, My Aim Is True and This Years Model - I'd nominate the latter as his best album, I think.

That's fair.

Wanna take a guess who else loves the Dennis Wilson album?

I've been listening to that too.

Lots of Cream, especially the live stuff. A lot of Elvis Costello, still. Some Prince, the expanded remaster of Purple Rain. Sly and the Family Stone.

12 episodes of Fawlty Towers over 4 years? You betcha.

He has computer skills, so in a way, yes.