
His legends date from around the 5th and 6th century, so …

More of a British schoolyard thing. It's another way of saying Dick Van Dyke, for those of you wondering.

In a few weeks she is going to be picked - overwhelmingly. Then God help us all.

I think you've misjudged the tone somewhat, old chum.

Now you're talking.

Never seen it. Try again, mate.

I'm British, and if you want to hurl an insult at us too, I'll gladly take it on board.

I can see it. Looks great.

In the Brexit campaign, one of the politicians on the Leave side of the 'argument', said that people have had enough of experts. His previous role in the government? Education. We're just as doomed as you are.

It can be fun, if … you become naked.

Too many to mention, but Cecilia by Simon and Garfunkel and River Deep, Mountain High by Ike & Tina Turner are the omnipresent ones at the minute.

I Am The Resurrection's riff for me. Perfect. The last couple of minutes of that song …

Paul Weller, especially the last three albums, getting plumed up for the new album next week.

He also bangs a tray off his head on a couple of songs on the first album.

Aretha Franklin - River's Invitation
U2 - The Saints Are Coming
Super Furry Animals - (A) Touch Sensitive
Ty Segall - The Crawler
Big Country - Fields Of Fire (demo)

Fuck Theresa May and her inability to behave in a human fashion, never mind humane.

Emmylou Harris's Angel Band is in regular rotation on this atheist's sound system.

Looking forward to Paul Weller - his output over the last 10 years has been especially good.

'And Connery hates the English paying taxes enough to live in the Bahamas.'

Er … I better take the 5th on that one.