
@CaptainJack: yes, i get that. see previous comment. but the fact that the advantages of this technology require so much explanation means that it'll probably only catch on with hardcore users that really need it. it wouldn't be a selling point for the average person.

@pantsonfireliarliar: that's true, and i think a good tablet with better support for pen input would serve designers and some other types well, but most apple sheep don't care about that anyway. they don't create, they just consume; they eat what the app store and steve feed them. that's why the ipad is selling.

why is this such a big deal? people that want to use pens with their ipads can just go out and get them. just because steve jobs doesn't like them doesn't mean they don't exist. it's like jailbreaking - iOS is just as open as android if you want it to be =)

@dapoktan: it's just a matter of personal preference. Apple does do incredible hardware design (well, minus the antenna issue), but what really matters is the OS and in terms of capability, android and iOS are close enough these days to call it even. It's more a question of liking Apple's ecosystem or Google's.

@jbouklas: I completely agree. At least there's a thriving jailbreak community for iOS devices that in many ways brings Android's features and customizability to iOS. I have a feeling that while Apple outwardly fights jailbreaking, they make it doable to satisfy that 2% of users that do it with every release.

@abe003: an enthusiast compact camera from Canon