And they were 8-2 /before/ they fired him? So?
And they were 8-2 /before/ they fired him? So?
It’s about ethics in ...deciding what words to use to describe swatting! Or something.
Actually, it’s about ethics in commenting on GG swatting articles.
Well, by being ‘far from the worst’, you mean second worst, than sure.
$40 dollars is a huge investment in game from a well respected developer? I can only assume you still make you money mowing lawns. And even then....
I’m sure making the games free would combat piracy really effectively.
You said that. You also said “The Witness is too expensive, period.”. You didn’t say “The Witness is more than I’m comfortable paying so I’ll wait for a sale”, you made a blanket absolute statement. I merely wondered if you’d made the same blanket statement about another very well received game in pretty much the…
The Fire TV Stick is hardly ‘excellent’. It functions, that’s about the best that can be said for it.
The Fire TV Stick is hardly ‘excellent’. It functions, that’s about the best that can be said for it.
So you go it on sale. So wait for The Witness to go on sale and stop whinging about it.
On sale, sure. It was published a year and a half ago. I’m sure The Witness will go on sale a few times over the next year and a half as well. Doesn’t change the fact that The Talos Principle is STILL (barring being on sale) 39.99. That’s what you’d pay at Steam to buy it TODAY.
None of that change the theft into something else. Yes, a lot of people are shitheels who’d rather steal something than pay for it because they CAN. So what?
What ‘reason’ or ‘justification’ is needed to recognize that stealing is stealing? Were you not brought up properly or something?
Physical or digital is a bullshit argument used by assholes to justify stealing.
Right. The consensus among entitled assholes who don’t think they should have to pay for anything.
It’s a puzzle game, just like The Witness, and it was released at 39.99 just like the Witness. And it’s still at that price.
Did you cry this way when The Talos Principle came out?
Did you cry like this over the Talos Principle?
So, they weren’t going to buy it anyway, and that completely justifies them stealing it.
Saying he got fired is pretty disingenuous.