
[...] “I don’t know why she’s so upset,” McCain reportedly said. “I just wanted her to focus on President Bush and not bring Trump into this for once.”

Yeah, the same people who always want to hear “both sides” are the same ones who can’t recognize that one of those sides is demonstrably terrible. (usually the same people who see a video of a football player hitting a woman and say “we need to know the context”)

>>>>”[...] “I don’t know why she’s so upset,” McCain reportedly said. “I just wanted her to focus on President Bush and not bring Trump into this for once.””

It’s such a conservative/Republican move. Call someone a shithead, then feign shock they yell back. It’s like that “Oh, wow, I thought liberals were so tolerant...” Fuck that shit.

“I don’t know why she’s so upset,” McCain reportedly said.

Lot of dumb responses to the tweet with the “hey welcome to video games” mentality, too. That this is a longstanding part of gaming culture doesn’t excuse it nor does it mean it should be allowed to continue. Screw these unoriginal unfunny and homophobic losers.

Maybe don’t make light of the abuse of sex workers by their employers, but other than that, yeah.

Claiming to be unfamiliar with Gamergate while acting exactly like a Gamergater is a classic Gamergate move, kiddo.

I swear, I met someone offline a couple months ago and the guy started to sound like a gamergater. I wish I were joking when I say I almost wanted to put my pimp hand to use. Gamergaters have typically been some of the *worst* damn people I’ve ever interacted with online. Even the thought of seeing them in my life

Jason approaches things with actual journalistic objectivity, so of course he’s seen as ‘being a shill’ or ‘playing both sides’ or ‘against the gaming community’ and whatever nonsense they are spewing now.

Bethesda/Zenimax and Kotaku have a lot of bad blood, you goofball

I wouldn’t say Jason was defending the company. That would be some serious over-generalizing. He may have indirectly defended certain aspects of Bethesda (and other publishers), but he made it quite clear that many of the problems found in their games are inexecusable, and have been for a while now.

Gamergate’s over, dude. Your movement ruined a bunch of indie developers’ lives and ignored the real issues in gaming and gaming journalism and now it’s over. Move on. No one fucking cares.

The fact they release reviews that don’t actually scale the game is all you need to know.

I’d just like to point out that whenever I’m about to post I check for the Arnheim comment because it usually says something similar to what I was about to post, except more eloquently and with less swear words.  It’s way easier to just give it a star.

I’m glad some folks are enjoying this game; everyone has their somewhere they want to be, and that somewhere doesn’t work for other folks—and that’s fine. I enjoy a great many things others think are a waste of time.

This whole kerfuffle, though, comes off as one giant kettle of “we coasted way too hard on a

That’s called “having opinions”.

Listening to the podcast Slow Burn about the Clinton scandal really brought home to me how far we’ve come since the 90's. I remember when it happened — I was in high school when it all unfolded, and didn’t really care one way or the other, but I remember the adult women around me making harsh comments about Lewinsky,

“Kory comes to see Dick in a somewhat different light after they hook up”

The problem isn’t with the ‘wait and see’ crowd. It’s with the scores of players that felt burned yet again by Destiny 2 and it’s Year 1 content. They’re not waiting to see what the future looks like, they’re done with the series for good and aren’t looking back. And Activision, as with any publisher, is too insulated