
Please support Browndages, they are a black owned group who are producing multicultural-based bandages.

Putting a Band-Aid on the larger problem, if you ask me.

Trump/Pence 2020: The Cruelty Is The Point.

The word evil is almost... not enough. Not enough to describe the hateful and destructive intent behind this. Not enough to describe the pain and suffering it is going to cause transgender people. Those who came up with and put this into place (I refuse to call them people), knew exactly what the result could be.

I’ve been buying clear and colored band-aids for a long time because putting “flesh colored” bandages on my skin as though I didn’t have flesh was weird.

Yet the space alien market has been served for years.

And on the anniversary of the Pulse massacre, too. “Evil” gets thrown around a lot these days to describe a whole spectrum of bad people who may or may not deserve it, but I truly believe that this admin and the assholes who make it up are absolutely evil to the core. Like, the main things standing between them and

So she “edited” it to make you say racist shit like, “she’s playing the black card” ?

‘live and let live’

You’d hope she’d reap the whirlwind but I don’t know if the NY Ladies Who Lunch circle are doing the performative woke thing lately or would Trump-ily rally around some accented preferable foreigner. I mean, she was in full rich bitch regalia: straw hat (preserving fish belly paleness), stringy blonde hair (seriously,

no potatoe salad

Not enough seasonings?

I mean we need to really start having a checklist for these types. Let’s see, Blonde? Check. Hat or hair in a ponytail? Check. Flowery dress & sandals or yoga pants and sneakers? Check. Extremely white name? Check. Shrill voice and refusal to admit you weren’t minding your fucking business? Check. Go into damage

But the Maison Vivienne co-owner tells Page Six the video was edited to make her “look like a racist.”

We’ll find her even if we have to search every warehouse, farmhouse, henhouse, outhouse and doghouse.  

Start the Maison Vivienne boycott and protest into regardless of lockdown.

Notify ICE to check her immigration status asap. Deport her and her anchor baby.

Racists can’t seem to love green more than they hate black.

The presence of black folks can make some white people feel as if they haven’t progressed enough in life if they are on the same level as us. Rather than strive for more success, they just harass the hell out of their reminder.

And he will probably immediately lie and say the brother called him sir and thanked him for being such a great leader.