
I feel bad for the dog. But not as badly as I do for black men against whom the police are weaponized. 

Yup. No atonement, no forgiveness.

I don’t think she voted for Trump at all, and it dangerous to automatically equate racism with political affiliation. I also think that she honestly, truly believes she isn’t racist. She is of course - but I’m sure she’s the typical example of a white person who votes for the right people, “has black friends” yet

It went the way I wanted it to go, so someone got what they wanted out of this.

Let’s film Helen Mirren dressed as Queen Elizabeth II reading this so Damon can get a screenwriting Oscar.

I’m submitting this piece for a Pulitzer.

Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State, Supreme Court Chief Justice...all women, here. He’s got a major problem with our state.

Toxic masculinity at its most literal.

His ego as a whole will not allow him to show weakness.

It is exactly that. That shit is cult of personalty 101. He’s living the life so many of his fanbase wants, to fuck porn stars, to be openly racist, to eat whatever the fuck he wants, as much as he wants, to have the power to erase a nation within fifteen minutes, to say “I want that” and get it, to be able to

“...or she was really banking on catching Sanders off guard.”

These types always want specific examples so they can (theoretically) knock them out one by one. I had someone argue with me like that and he required me to have an annotated bibliography for my side but he wouldn’t come up with anything at all to support his side. He just wanted to shoot down my examples. He said

Seriously? What lies has the president told about the coronavirus epidemic? Either she drunk deeply of the MAGA Kool-Aid and actually believes that the president is someone who tells the truth (he isn’t!), or she was really banking on catching Sanders off guard. It is a truth universally acknowledged that a Trump in

“I don’t want to take the whole interview to run through them.”

The more we learn about McMichael, the more obvious it is that he’s racist POS that can’t be trusted with weapons or authority.

No one stole that gun out of the alleged unlocked car! How do you think unidentifiable guns get to the streets? People need money or an untraceable gun. They file off the markings and keep, sell (or trade) it to one of their friends so they always have one for dumbfuckery. If they’re really slick, they tear out the

It reads like everybody involved just knows to call out the white men to keep the Black men in line...they don’t think they’re planning anything...hell, they don’t need to plan anything. They are all on the same page without knowing there are other pages.

You can be the McMichaels are going to argue that this basically “deputizes” them and they can do what they want.

The McMichaels were upset someone stole their gun from their unlocked truck- that is it- plain and simple. They were going to exact revenge on the next black person that came by. Unfortunately- it was Ahmaud.

I don’t believe anyone, including the McMichael Vigilante Committee ever set out to kill Aubery. It’s worse than that. Local law enforcement, district attorney’s office, and the McMichaels live in a world where white men are entitled and expected to keep Black men under control, and uppity Black men “get what they