
This, this, this. My dad talked to me about this kind of stuff younger than I assumed most of my classmates learned about it, but it was in a completely healthy way, and because we asked questions and he wasn’t going to lie. What he never did was encourage me, a child, to have sex.

I for one have a simple code to follow:
If a man is protesting too much about the healthy way another man is raising their child, that loud man is probably a piece of shit.

When he got out of Angola, he gave a long-winded rant about walking on two dudes having sex and how he freaked out about it. The rant was long enough and detailed enough for a person think he watched for a few minutes. This man has sexuality issues. is these boys’ newfound perspective on what women exist for.  “Bitch, go suck that middle schooler’s dick.”  “Yes sir!”

For real. Where the fuck is the FBI when we need them?!? This nasty piece of shit needs to be arrested and have any children in his custody taken from him.

[So he’s OK with basically raping his sons and nephews?]

the more i hear boosie speak on this shit its clear homie has gone through his own childhood hell of sexual abuse or sexual confusion. shame he’s continuing to spread that shit to every young man in is aura, so many youngins look to boosie as an OG, like he got the answers and its sad. 

Lemme get this straight:Affirming your kid’s gender=too far.

This man has a weird obsession with underage boy penis.

Dads hiring sex workers to blow their adolescent sons and nephews IS atypical. 

Nigga needs to be -under- the fucking jail like yesterday. Having the sex talk with your adolescent son and family members does not somehow fucking segway into having grown ass adults performing sex on them. This isn’t some fucking badge of honor to be crowing about and homeboy is ether Trump level stupid, or...

Me, reading this:

Huh. So he’s OK with basically raping his sons and nephews? His siblings are cool with that too? Don’t let a kid feel comfortable in their own skin with the support of their public-facing family where cameras would’ve been shoved in her face making her feel a certain way even if they kept their support private

One day we will have a healthy conversation about the emotional abuse black men go through over their sexual identities but it appears we are about oh five hundred years from that ever happening. For every Dwayne Wade there are about 2 million Boosie’s who think they can manipulate their male child’s sexual

That’s a bold strategy to admit to facilitating child sexual abuse on video.  Is bold the word I’m looking for?

Bu-but 99% of all cops are good cops!”

They beating 14 year-olds for having cigarettes. Fucking white people.

Are these cops human or are they an anthropoid race of thumb people that are hiding among us?

He went into a very lengthy discussion setting forth what he proposed as a standard framework for violating stare decisis and overturning Supreme Court precedent. In the process, he also emphasized the greater leeway for overturning precedent when the issue was Constitutional interpretation rather than statutory

“They’re being mean by saying the laws were racist, and if if they were, so what?”