
I hate it when Amy insists on bringing Becca to our gatherings. I just wanted to check in on her quilting project and see some pictures of her horse, not hang out with Amy’s church friends!

And an honorable mention to all the Amy’s out there, just whitely minding their own damn business. Maybe they have Opinions, but they mostly keep to themselves and do little arts n’ crafts projects.

Tammies/ys are the trailer parks of Beckys who are the low-income suburban apartment complexes of Karens.

The Clapback will be full of Sharons; Karens who Google 15 year old Marie Claire and Reader’s Digest articles to support their bullshit instead of just spouting it off the cuff. They’re still wrong tho.

Excited for the (likely incoherent and definitely misspelled) letters about this article that will be featured in Friday’s Clapback Mailbag!

Please accept this as a token of my appreciation:

Ha ha ha! I saw this one polo-shirt-wearing snap-back-hat jerk stretching out with his WTF-iron and I said to myself, “Self, what would a busy-body white lady do in this instance?” and I pulled out the old cell phone and called the po po

You are an American hero

Shout out to all the Shannons who will cut you personally and the Tamm(ies)(ys) who will call someone to cut you for them!

I did a reverse Becky/Karen today! O yes I did!