They want to blame everyone but the professionals responsible. Clinton was a bad candidate, empirically. We had an election and know the results. She lost to an unpopular literal racist orange clown.
They want to blame everyone but the professionals responsible. Clinton was a bad candidate, empirically. We had an election and know the results. She lost to an unpopular literal racist orange clown.
To be fair, you have been wondering where in the world asshat von cheetolini was. He’s on twitter, twittering the tweets that you knew he was going to thumb into his keyboard. 45 is an assfuck. Did you honestly expect him to turn around and be a decent human being for 5 seconds? Fuck, his peeps LOVE him for being an…
and he’s won on this issue.
Well, we shouldn’t let flat-earthers reproduce.
That bow tie says he’s never had sex.
Just too add to it, the trip to Ireland serves no purpose except for him to play golf. He’s renting 4 limousines just to play golf.
Pardon me for not being optimistic that someone better comes out of a Republican primary.
That TP is the best, man. It’s just thick enough that it does the job but not so thick that the shitty [heh] plumbing in my house rejects it. It’s very good TP.
What are you trying to say here? There’s so many words!
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck every one of these alt-right pieces of trash.
She’s already being branded as an extremest because she’s a Muslim. To most people, you cannot be loyal to Islam and to the US. Which is ludicrous thinking. It all but guarantees that people who look like her will never be able to hold federal positions.
My educated but living in Florida for a decade brother dropped this one on me yesterday- Omar married her brother to get her citizenship. Without even doing the background I questioned his sources for that doozy, and he immediately said “ what, are you gonna check Snopes or something? Like they’re believable”. Turns…
You can’t fool me, Michele Bachmann. You just dyed your hair blonde and started doing the business-person-talk-thingy. But I can see the deadness in those cold blue eyes:
Night of the Living Karens.
Because the idea behind Medicare for All is that investors shouldn’t even be a part of it, and the idea of it making or losing money (hint: it will cost money but ultimately will make for a healthier populace that can contribute more to society) should be taken out of the equation entirely. You knew that but weren’t…
There are a lot of good arguments for Medicare for All—like that no one should suffer or even die because they can’t afford healthcare, for example—and the fact that Wall Street is so deathly afraid of it is yet another. The fact that they are starting to get nervous is good news.
I’m sure there’s something in the Art of War about attacking your allies instead of your enemies. Probably in the chapter about doing fucking dumb shit.
You shut up with your logic and facts! We have powerful women to go after!
Anti-choice is never about abortion itself, and it is not about fetuses. It is about control. It is about who owns women’s bodies - women, or the state. It is about power - and in that regard, those who oppose abortion are driven by the same force as those who rape: the need to dominate women.
These people piss me off so much, abortion isnt mentioned anywhere in the bible. It was practiced regularly by the early Christians and Jews as they believed you didnt get your soul until you took your first breath (like Adam). In fact there are more verses in the Bible supporting this then what Conservatives point to…