
And Andersen’s story had the sea witch literally cutting out the little mermaid’s (who didn’t even have a name), tongue as well as offering to restore her voice and her life as before if she could slaughter the prince and his new bride so their blood would wash over her feet and make her fins come back. So honey

It's enough to cause a rage stroke. Who but the most cowardly and power hungry does this to a child? 

The child was brutalized ON CAMERA and the parents had to get social workers to advocate for charges?? And they claimed that there's equity in law enforcement. Bullshit. Let this have been a Black or Latino man pinning a white child down like this. He would've been executed swiftly by the police upon their arrival.

I like it. It’s like a sexy turbine of rubbery goodness.

I wish the reporter had asked him for the title of even one single program on BET.

She will be fired and we’ll be all, “Yay.” Then her gofundme will raise a million dollars and we’ll be like, “Shit.”

Also they act like their ancestors just suddenly appeared in Europe one day instead of ALL humankind originating from the African continent. But that’s that librul commie science talkin I guess.

Any restaurant that substitutes “z” for “s” is full of assholes, and salmonella.

I’m pretty sure the Venn diagram with people who say the Civil War was just about states’ rights is a perfect circle.

This is Mississippi. Providing an address will only cause her to be swamped with gift baskets.

When will racists get it? You’re on camera now sweetie, the world can see your Christian heart for what it really is.

I know the scenario I described is highly contrived, but it’s not impossible very probable.

This member of the wypipo race totally agrees with this sentiment.

Confirming what smart people already knew: trump is a shitwit who has never been good at anything or earned anything in his entire life.


this dude should go to prison for the rest of his life!!!

I can’t even read this article. Nothing will surprise me. The total disregard for women's suffering is nothing new, sadly. I’ve been consumed by true crime podcasts lately, because my job allows me to listen to things while I carry out menial tasks. My overarching takeaway is that people ignore their gut far to often,

Translation- how dare they show the world a miniscule part of how these racist twats act and know they will likely get away with it. Why didn’t those black people shut up and take it? Not like those white folks hurt them or anything  just words  

This! I’d have driven it home, parked it and waited for the dealership to call me when it was “ready”.