Of course I would never send humans out there. I’d hire a project manager to send them.
Of course I would never send humans out there. I’d hire a project manager to send them.
Context does matter, but you are picking and choosing what context matters to you. As it stands, white people wearing dark makeup to appear black is the continuation of a practice tied to the mocking of black people, and often enslaved Africans, in the US. That’s the context for this. More context for this, which a…
BAHAHAHAHAHAHA says the man typing on a computer filled with rare eath metals. Who built a house on a lake.....cutting down trees in the process.....hiring drivers to deliver materials while matting down the undergrowth.....while commuting to and from work in a ICE powered vehicle.....while eating farm raised…
Goddamn, I love watching players getting fired up like that. Makes any sport better to watch.
I’m almost finished with the Bob Woodward book. The only way I can get through it and not have panic attacks is to pretend it’s a novel.
It’s like the bureaucracy in Hitchhiker’s Guide, designed to be so hard to access that by the time you do your planet is being blown up for a space highway.
I played contact sports with boys from age 11 to 16. He 100% did not want to lose to a girl. He’s also a budding misogynist. It’s a broad, disgusting tapestry.
he’s afraid that a girl will beat him
Add me to the growing ranks of people who REALLY want to see his academic records. Just how bad was it?
Dumb as a bag of hammers. I’m 58 years old & in most of my adult life I’ve been in unions. Unions have MOU’s with companies. These are the binding contracts between the two entities to ensure fair labor practices, benefits & structure in order to have smooth running operations on both sides of the table. Even I know…
Why not be cordial? His ignorance and the inability of either his staff or Congressional GOPs to stand up to him have lead to China playing him like a fiddle in these trade talks.
Isn’t Obama speaking more towards pop culture imagery here than specifics? Unlike, say, Bill Cosby, I assume Obama is savvy enough to know there aren’t roving bands of twerking women looking for rich rappers to dance around.
godDAMN that’s some powerful shit to read today. Unless every black and brown person hard-rode within the media gets an apology the kid doesn’t merit a fucking penny.
You can always hand them out. Forward links.
To have the confidence of a mediocre white man/boy.
Delaware State Police have said the interaction is “currently under review.”
(insert MK “Finish Him” .gif)